The Disaster Lunch Date (Part 2)

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I'm looking at this girl who called Jade a few minutes ago, she's pretty to be honest but there's something's not right with her. I glance at Jade for a while who is smiling now at her.

Why on earth is she smiling to that girl?!... Wait a minute? Why do I sound like I'm jealous?!

"Why is she calling her Jade Thirlwall mommy? Her name is Jaytee right?" Louis asked me, Jade immediately looks at me and I just nod at her

"The girl's got the name wrong babe, her name is Jaytee. Just continue eating okay?" my little boy nods his head at me and focus back on his food.

"Jaytee? You're name's Ja—" Jesy cuts her off "Ah Miss why don't you sit down and shut your mouth for a while" she said, she moves a little bit to her right so she can sit down. I give her a warning look though I don't like this girl.

"Just call her Jaytee and she will explain it to you later." Jesy said, me and Jade both look at the twin and I think their attention is at the cake they are eating. Jade clears her throat and look at me

"Ahm Perrie, this is Sasha. Sasha this is Perrie, my—"and here comes Jesy again "Her ex. If you're going to ask me what kind of ex.. Hmm, she can be an ex-gf, ex-wife, ex-lover, ex-sex partner and the list goes on." I tried to kick her but I kick Keith's leg instead

"Uhm sorry, it should be Jesy and not you." I said to him "No worries Perrie."Keith answered; I smiled at him and turn my attention to Safa, Hafa, Dada... ah whatever her name is!

"Hi! Nice to meet you" I said to her "Nice to meet you also Ms. Perrie" she answered and smiled. Jade smiles at her too and I'll tell you that this girl blushes every time my Jade smiles at her.

Ah excuse me Perrie Edwards but Jade doesn't belong to you anymore – my mind reminded me. Sometimes I don't know why does my brain doesn't agree on me. I think it forgets who the boss here.

"So, where did you guys meet?" I asked while looking at the girl and to Jade "Oh in one of Leigh-anne's conference meeting. She's sick that time so I'm the one who attended." Jade answered

"I can say that I'm lucky to meet her that day. My world changes after that." The girl answered. What's her name again? Oh it Sasha!

"Oh really? Wow! I assume that you know each other too much huh?"

"Well yeah, we used to hang-out all the time and you know spend some movie time in my pad sometimes." I smiled at her as I took a bite at my biscuit I ordered a while ago

"But that was years ago Perrie. We haven't seen each other for I think 4 years now." Jade said to me, I look at Jesy and she seems enjoying this lunch.

"So, you have Keith and Jade got Sasha. I think it's a match made in heaven!" Jesy said

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