Team Jerrie vs Team Lesy vs Team JJ

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Before the game starts, Amelia told Louis that they won't join the game and let the adults play against each other

"You tell mom, I bet she won't agree on you" Louis said but Amelia just smile and flick her hair "She will. Watch me!" She waves her hand and gets the attention of the adults

"Before we start the game, me and my brother decided not to play the game with you guys." Like what Louis said, Perrie didn't agree when she shook her head "I thought you guys want to play with them? If you don't then they can leave" she said

"Oh come on mom! We do want to play with them but we'll take part in different way. I'll be the timer and Louis will be the scorer" Amelia said "Don't be such a killjoy!" Perrie opens her mouth but closes it immediately because she can't anything anymore

"Fine!" She answered "so it's going to be us four versus those two?" Jesy asked the two but Louis shook his head

"Nope, you write your name on a piece of paper then we'll draw to know your partner." Louis explained "Mom, Aunt Jesy and Uncle Jayson, you three will write then they will pick a paper later" Amelia get some paper and give it to the three. As for Jade she's thinking of possibilities if she and Perrie will team up but she hopes she's not

"Thank you mom. Now Aunt Leigh-anne can you come here for a sec." Jade heard Amelia's voice and she looks at them, Leigh-anne took a folded paper in her hand "Next Uncle Jake" and he did the same

"Ms. Jaytee, here's yours" Amelia said to her, Jade smiled but she doesn't know why she's feeling a little uneasy

"Okay guys, can you please open those papers and let's see who are paired to" Louis said, Leigh and Jake excitedly opens their paper and when the twins eyes landed on Jade all, they can see is shock written all over her face


Oh god why you hate me! - i yelled when I saw Perrie's name on the paper. I saw Leigh and Jake went to their respective team and when my eyes met Perrie's, she's shock like I am

"Ms. Jaytee please sit beside mom so we can start" Louis told me, I walk but i feel that I'm dragging both of my feet

Hah! You're scared that you're never get to see the daylight again huh? - my brain asked, oh brain will you shut up for a minute!

I sit beside Perrie and I can tell you, someone can sit in between us. She's sitting far from me "Yo Pez, can you move a little closer to Jad- Jaytee. Jake can't sit" Jayson said

"He can sit on the floor, I know he won't mind!" Perrie answered and growls, Jesy and Leigh-anne giggles but they stop when Perrie looks at them "Come on Perrie, can you move just a little please?" Jake begs, the blonde girl sighs and moves a little towards Jade

"Okay now that you chose your partner, we'll start the game. We don't have a specific categories, it will be random. So it can be movies, music, emotions etc." Louis said

"How old are you two again?" I head Perrie asked them " We're just 8, mom. You forgot that?"

"No Amelia but the way you two handle this game looks like you're up to something"

"What can we do? We're just normal kids." The twins smiled at their mother and Perrie groans "Let's start, I want to go to bed" Perrie added

"Mom, you and Ms. Jaytee will go first and please don't ask why." Louis said and she let her mom choose from numbers 1 to 20 "Number 5." She answered

"Who'll act? You or her?" Jesy asked me "Ah let her decide." I answered and look at her

"You go first and be sure you do it well" Perrie told me and Amelia pulls me towards her

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