The Second Step

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I stop the video we're watching and look at Jesy and Leigh-anne who are giving us both an innocent smile.

"Oh don't give me a smile like that. You should apologize to me, especially to Jade for thinking that we're doing nasty things inside that room" I told my sister and of course looks at Leigh-anne too

"We're so sorry Pez, Jadey. You know that you'll think the same thing if you are in our shoes" Leigh-anne said "Why would you apologize? We didn't do anything bad to them." My sister said, I'm not expecting an apology coming from her because I know my sister a LOT

"Now we've cleared our names, can we go back to the kids and try to forget what happened here?" Jade said, Leigh-anne agrees and Jesy just looks at her. After a few minutes, we went back with the kids. They didn't notice how long we've been gone because they are both busy watching a show.

I saw Jesy sits on the sofa and I decided to sit beside her, after I sit, I can feel Jesy's eyes are on me and I'm right

'What?' I whispered to her 'Why are you sitting beside me? Don't you want to sit beside your soon to be not so ex-girlfriend?' I don't want to have this conversation with Jesy who still thinks that we did it. I just ignore her teasing and watch the show on the TV.

After 2 hours, the four adult women stop playing with the kids when it's already past lunch time. Perrie haven't cook anything so she asked Amelia and Louis if they want some take-outs and the twins agreed.

"What about me and Leigh-anne? Won't you invite us to have late lunch with you?" Jesy asked her sister Perrie "No, you two can eat at your own house same goes with Jaytee" she answered

"But mom, we want Jaytee to stay here for a while. Let Auntie Jesy and Auntie Leigh-anne go" Amelia said, Jesy throws her a pillow which made Jade and Leigh-anne laughs

"I'll spend time with you two again next time. I need to do something important tonight so I need to go home for now" Jade said as she sits in between the two "Promise? We're going to see you again?" Louis asked, Jade nods her head and looks at Perrie

"If your mom won't mind, I'd like to see you every day. Like, I can drive you on your way to school then fetch you after." Jade added but she's not looking at the twins, she's looking at Perrie instead "That won't be necessary Jaytee. It's out of the way. You can fetch them if you want"

"You'll be okay with that?" Jade asked with a smile on her face, Perrie hesitates to say yes for a while but when she looks at her son and daughter, she can't say no again "Uhm yeah, that's fine with me"

"Wow Perrie! You have a change of heart suddenly? Or are you starting to—" Perrie cuts her off "I'll see you tomorrow, Jesy" she said, Jesy laughs and so as Leigh-anne. The latter went to Jade sides and hugs her, she did the same with the twins and Perrie

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