Sasha and Perrie

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Perrie and Mr. Hanato are talking to some investors and stockholders of the hotel. They are planning to expand their business in Asia and some parts of Canada. They've studied the popularity of the hotel and their numbers were high enough for the hotel to expand.

"You're lucky to have Ms. Edwards here, Hanato. A lot of people recommend this hotel because of the lovely staff and not only that, most of the customers say that we can compete from those five star hotels that overcharge their customers." Mr. Everly said, one of the investors of their hotel.

"That's why no katter what happen, I won't let go of my priceless daughter here" Hanato answered, Perrie smiles on what she heard. For the record, M.r Hanato never treats them as his employees only; they treat them fair and square and like his second family.

"Maybe we can borrow her for a couple of weeks once they finish the hotel, you know maybe she can help them by giving them tips and advices.." Mr. Pendleton says "We'll you a raise" he added which makes the other investor laughs.

"Sure, I'll do it because of the raise. I badly needed that" Perrie said jokingly then Mr. Hanato shook his head and smiles. The meeting ended but Hanato and Perrie are still inside the conference room.

Hanato is still signing some papers that Perrie needed and she's waiting for them "By the way, how's your date with Jade Thirlwall?" Hanato asked. He can see how Perrie's face cringe by the mention of her name, he giggle which made Perrie looks at him.

"I think it didn't go well huh?" Hanato asked "Ahm there's a little misunderstanding but we're okay" Perrie lied.

"Are you sure?" And she nods her head in response "Okay, if you say so but I can see some fire building in your eyes and I think it's because of Jade"

Perrie look down on the tile floor and sighs. Hanato stands up and give her the papers she needed. He motions for her to walk by his side.

"Oh before I forgot, I do have a favour to ask you" he said "Sure sir. What is it?" Perrie asked

"A daughter of my dear friend will arrive today. I want you to welcome her and give her anything she needed and her family."

"I will sir. Is there anything else?"

"Nothing. Just make them feel comfortable, okay?" Perrie nods her head again and they both went out of the room. As they are both walking to the reception area, two young girls run towards him and give him a hug.

"My oh my! Look at these pretty young ladies" Hanato said and the two girl's laughs "I bet I know where you get your looks" he added then a very pretty girl waves her hand at Hanato.

"Chelsea sweetheart!" Hanato went to her side and gives her a hug. The two girls are looking at Perrie "Hello! My name is Perrie Edwards, you can call me Perrie." She said.

"Hi Ms. Perrie. I'm Natasha and this is Abby my little sister" the girl with a blonde curly hair said "Hey! You're just five minutes older than me!" Abby protested. Perrie giggles as she remembers Louise and Amelia.

"Hey you two little brats don't disturb the lady" Chelsea said and looks at Perrie "Hi. I'm Chelsea" she said.

"And she's Perrie. Isn't she pretty? You like blonde girls right Momma C" Abby said and Chelsea slaps her head gently.

"Uhm don't mind her. She's always like that" Chelsea said. Perrie smiles and looks at the twin. They resembles Chelsea's features but the colour of their eyes is different from her "its okay. I don't mind. You have--" Perrie was cut off when she heard a voice coming behind Chelsea.

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