The Disaster Lunch Date (Last Part)

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I have to say that I'm very well entertain from the scene I'm seeing right now. I can tell that Jade is jealous over Keith and my dear little sister feels the same way over Sasha. The thing is, these two girls are oblivious on what's happening.

I'm waiting for Leigh-anne to arrive because I want her to witness everything that's happening between these two.

"Do you guys want some dessert? I'm buying!" I said, I'm feeling generous now, I don't want to go home yet. I'm still quite enjoying the scenery here haha.

"Yeah sure, I'll have some banoffee pie. How about you Jaytee?" Perrie asked her ex-lover slash love of her life "Ah, a slice of chocolate sponge cake" I think Perrie is wondering why Jade turn quiet all of a sudden.

"Are you sure you're okay?" Perrie asked her again, Jade looks at her and give my sister a sweetest smile "Yes I'm okay." Jade answered. Perrie then look at Keith

"How about you Keith? What do you want?" I can't stop myself from laughing when I saw Jade give Keith a dirty glare and of course my so oblivious sister didn't notice "A scoop of vanilla ice cream will do" Keith answered and smiled at me.

I look over to Sasha but before I can even ask her, Jade copied what Perrie did "What about you Sasha? What do you want?" Jade asked

"Oh I don't eat sweets that much, a tea and plain biscuit will do" Sasha answered, I called the waiter and told him our orders. As we wait for our dessert, none of them say a word. Keith is busy texting someone on his phone, Sasha is looking around the restaurant while Jade talks to Amelia and Perrie talks to Louis.

Our orders arrive and we ate in silence, though I'm kinda busy with my food but my ears are always open to any commotion I might hear.

"My mum used to make Banoffee pie and they are the best in town" I heard Keith said "Really? You want to try some and let's see if this is delicious like the one your mum made" Perrie answered, Keith agrees and was about to reach out for an extra spoon when Perrie stops him.

"Here, I'll feed you." My eyes immediately landed on Jade who is looking at Perrie, she watch my sister take a spoonful of pie she's eating and feed Keith. I want to clap my hands and roll on the floor laughing but I need to stop myself or I'm going to see some plates flying towards me.

"How's the taste?" Keith can't answer as he saw Jade stabbing her sponge cake using her fork. He gives Perrie a thumbs up and stuff some ice cream in his mouth. Jade took a deep breath and look at Sasha.

"You should taste this cake, Sasha. It's delicious." Jade said then my eyes divert over to Perrie who is now the one throwing deadly glare at Sasha "I'm not into sweets Jaytee but okay I'll try it if you'll insist" Sasha answered.

I took a sip from my water or else I'll burst out laughing at these two. I watch Jade copied what Perrie did and I think Perrie notice it. Oh I love this on-going silent between them, who will win in the end? I can't wait to find out!

Jesy still manage a straight face while watching Perrie and Jade annoyed each other. After Jade fed Sasha like what Perrie did to Keith, she wipes the icing on Sasha's lips using her finger and then lick it.

"Hmm sweet." Jade said, Perrie clench her fist under the table and try to ignore and forget what Jade did. Jade smiles as she can smell the victory over Perrie but the wat is far from over.

"Uncle Keith, you eat your ice cream just like us." They heard Louis said, Jade and Perrie look over to Keith and saw some ice cream on her lips like the icing on Sasha's.

Well two can play at that game – Perrie's mind went to overdrive, she lean over to Keith and cupped his chin then without a word, she used her lips to remove the ice cream on his lips. Jesy starts to cough after she sees what her sister did.

"Woah! I-it's getting hot in here" Keith said when she look at Jade who any moment will jump at him and stab him using her fork "Yeah it is but you know I'm loving it" Jesy answered

"Shut up!" Perrie and Jade both said to Jesy but didn't look at each other "Ah as much as I wanted to stay, I remember that I need to do something important." Keith said "Me too, a friend of mine is waiting for me the public library and I need to be there in 30 minutes" Sasha butted in.

Jesy stands up from her seat to give way for the two leaving. Jade and Perrie stands up from their seats also to say goodbye to them.

"Thank you for this wonderful lunch guys and it's nice to meet you Jaytee" Keith said and extend his hand towards her, Jade accepted his hand but she squeeze it a little too tight and Keith felt it.

"Nice to meet you too, Keith" Jade answered through gritted teeth. As for Sasha, she said bye-bye to Louis and Amelia "Nice to meet you, Perrie" Perrie pulls Sasha into a hug and whispered 'Be careful going to the public library. Be aware of your surroundings from now on.'

Sasha furrows her eyebrows and took a two step back. The two immediately went out of the restaurant and didn't look back. As for the people at the table, Louis and Amelia went back to eating while Jesy watches Perrie and Jade.

"So, where do we go after?" Jesy asked the two "I told you we'll go home straight. They have classess tomorrow." Perrie said, annoyed

"How about you Jade?" Jesy asked her too "I don't know, home maybe." She answered without looking at her

"Why don't you follow Sasha at the public library. It looks like you're sad because she left already" Perrie said and this time Jade looks at her "I think you're the one who is sad. Are you gonna call Keith and tell him to spend the night with you?!"

"What are you saying?!"

"Oh stop acting like you don't know what I'm saying! You want to go home so you can invite him to go at your house and sleep with you!"

"So what?! I can do whatever I want Jade! I have the right to let anyone sleep in my house!"

"Then fine! Call him and spend the night with Keith!" Jade took some her wallet and place some pounds on the table, she stands up and starts to walk-away "Where are you going?!" Perrie asked her

"I'm going to follow Sasha and maybe spend the night with her too!" Jade answered and left the restaurant. Perrie covers her face using her hand while the twins went to Jesy's side.

"Are they fighting, Auntie Jesy?" Amelia asked "No, no. They just had a misunderstanding. As you can see, your mother is jealous of Sasha while—" Jesy didn't finish her sentence when a piece of grape hits her forehead

"I am pissed Jesy so you better shut your mouth or else!" Perrie said and calls the waiter and paid for everything. She motion for her twins to follow her and they went out of the restaurant. Jesy watch her sister hails a cab and they all went in.

"Hahahaha!" Jesy laughs like an evil queen while people inside the restaurant are looking at her "Don't mind me, I'm just happy!" she said and finish her dessert while waiting for Leigh-anne.

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