Perrie and Jade

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Perrie Edwards

I'm waiting for my brother and sister to arrive, I received a call from Jesy saying that they can't find my kids, I was worried and waiting for their call but soon relax when I received a text from Louis

Mom! We're on our way home, sorry if we got you worried

I don't want anything happen to them, they are my life, and they gave me strength and will to live every day. If someone will take them away, I don't know what will happen to me. I look outside the window, waiting for a car to stop in front of my house but all I can think about is her, I shook my head back and fort

No need to think of her, she left you, you and your kids!

"Yeah you left me without a word, It felt like I'm nothing to you.." I wanted to cry but I think there's no tears left for me or tears won't fall for her again then I heard a honking sound, I peek thru the window and saw Louis and Amelia running towards the house, I open the door for them and hug my babies

"I thought something bad happened to you.." I said, the two hug me back

"Sorry mommy.." Amelia answered, I saw Jesy and Jayson talking, I sensed something's not right

"What happened?" I asked both of them

"Oh ah, we lost them, were ah--" Jesy was cut off by Amelia

"It's our fault mom, Louis needs to pee while Uncle and Auntie are waiting for their turn to buy some food at the counter.." Amelia explained

"But I called you and you said to me that you are with them while eating.." I said

"Uhm yeah mom, I told her to tell you that because we don't want you to worry.." Louis butted in

"We're sorry.." Amelia said

"It's okay, the important thing is that you two are okay and your Uncle and Aunt too.."

"Yeah.." Louis said, I saw him look at Amelia in a weird way

"Okay you two go upstairs and change, I'll fix us some snacks.." the two run to the stairs and I look at my brother and sister

"Come on in.."

"Oh no, I need to go home.." Jesy said

"Me too! Boy it's hard to coped up with those two.." Jayson added

"I insist, please.." I told them, they look at each other first then at me and nodded their heads, I know something happened and I want to know what it is

"Coffee or tea?" I asked them

"Water.." they said in unison then I saw Louis and Amelia running towards them and sit beside my siblings.

"I'll get some cookies and bread, wait here.." I told them

They are acting weird!

I went back and I know I saw Louis saying something to Jesy but he stopped the moment he saw me

"Here you go!" I said smiling but I want to pull Jesy and Jayson away from my children and asked them what happened

"So how's the zoo?" I asked

"It's okay mom.." Louis replied

"Too many people.." Amelia said

"Big.." Jayson added

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