Shattered Hearts

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One month later...

Jesy and Leigh-anne meet at the coffee shop after working hours. It's been a month since the big revelation happens. Though the two girls communicate thru messaging and calls, they haven't got any time to ask about Jade and Perrie.

"How's Jade?" Jesy asked as soon as their orders came "Well she'd been telling me she's fine but I know deep inside she's not, Jesy."

"What about Perrie? The kids?" she asked back "The twins are doing quite okay but sometimes they are still crying when they see Jade's picture." Jesy answered and took a sip on her latte.

"As for Perrie, same as Jade. Saying she's okay but she's not. She's working herself to death, sometimes doing 48 hours shift."

Leigh-anne sigh and lean her back on the chair, if there's only way they can do to help but for now, there's nothing. Both of the girls are not listening to their advices.

For Jade, Leigh-anne know show deeply she got affected by the event. She always caught her staring at her phone, smiling while crying. The older girl knows that she's looking at their photo... the photo that's been taken on the island.

One day, Jade went home drunk, good thing some of their employees saw her, they told their boss that they saw her sister outside a bar shouting and cursing at someone from taking away her family from her. Those employees took Jade home safe.

For Perrie, she usually doesn't eat though she made sure that the twins won't notice anything. She still has time for them especially now that they are also hurting from what's happening. The blonde girl doesn't drink but like the brown haired girl, she's giving too much time to her work now.

"What about Luke?" Leigh-anne asked once more, she saw how Jesy's worried face turned into hard "What about him?" Jesy asked in a cold tone.

"Well he's the father, does he spend time with them?" Jesy shakes her head "He's with Perrie most of the time, I'm always asking Louise and Amelia if their father called them but no."

"I think he's trying to pursue Perrie first then their kids."

"He can do it both at the same time, Leigh-anne." Jesy answered "I know there's something wrong with this scenario." She added.

"Like what?" Jesy looks at her friend, she's a bit hesitated to tell what happened two days back "Jesy? Are you okay?"

"There's something I need to tell you but you have to keep it between us only." Jesy answered.



It's Friday and the twins is excited for their movie marathon with their Mommy. When they arrive at their house, their Uncle Jayson told them to change their clothes while he'll prepare them some snacks. The twins oblige and quickly run upstairs.

They change clothes and once done, Amelia took her phone on the table and run towards her twin brother's room and knock on the door.

"You done?" she asked "Yes, you may come in." Amelia then push the door and closes it.

"Don't act proper, it doesn't suit you." The young girl said "What do you want now? I'm going to do my assignments first."

"It's Friday dude, don't be such a killjoy."

"Tell me what do you need." Amelia shakes her head, Louise is just like that but among the two of them, he's the one who go affected the most. For Amelia, she still has hope that their Mommy and Momma Jade will settle things and they will live together forever but for her brother, it won't happen anymore.

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