Present Day

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Someone's POV

"Louis Daniel! Wake up!!" I scolded at my brother, I've been trying to wake him up for the past 20 minutes but he didn't even move a bit

"Oh please, it's Saturday! Can I just have some more quality time with my bed?!" I heard him said, I throw a pillow at him then shakes his bed as hard as I can

"You need to wake up! We promise mom that we will help her prepare breakfast for today!" I said

"Sheez! Alright I'm up!" i saw him sit up on his bed but his eyes are still close


"I'm awake Amelia, god! Why did he gave me a twin sister like you?!" yeah you read it right, we're twins, he's 10 minutes older than me but hey I always act like I'm the older one

"Then why did he gave me a lazy twin brother like you too?!"

"Shut up!" then we heard a voice on the door; we both look at it and saw our mother leaning against it

"It's too early in the morning and I heard you two yelling at each other. That's how you greeted each other a good morning?" she said with a smile

"Well mom she started it!" Louis answered and threw a pillow at me

"I did not! Mom, I'm just waking him up. We're going to help you with our breakfast today right?"

"Uh yeah but it's okay if you brother don't want too, we can handle it both.." she answered again with a wink

"Oh no Mom, I don't want her to prepare my breakfast, the last time she did, there' an eggshell on my fried egg!" I heard my brother said, i throw deadly stare at him but he just stick out his tongue at me

"Okay that's enough, Louis go wash up while you Amelia will follow me downstairs, I don't want to hear any yelling from you two, understand?" she asked

"Yes mom!" we both answered, I saw my brother move his butt so did I, I follow my mother, oh yeah, I'll introduce her to you later

After climbing down the stairs, I took a left turn and find my mother preparing the ingredients she'll use to cook

"What can I do to help mom?" i asked her

"Kindly wash this for me please.." she said, i smiled at her and she smiled at me too, if you will ask me where's our dad? Well I don't know too, we asked her about that but for the past 7 years of our life all she said is that he's already dead

"Don't annoy your brother too much, Amelia.."

"Mom, I'm just waking him up.."

"I know that but you know how he hates cooking.."

"Oh yeah, all he wants to do is to eat and eat!"

"Hey! I heard that!" I heard his voice, he walk towards our mother and kiss her on the cheeks

"Morning mom!" he said, he went to the sink and washes his hand

"Louis, I want you to prepare the table okay while me and your sister cook the food.."

"Okay but mom don't let her touch the food, I don't want to eat some nasty things with it.."

"You jerk!" I shouted at him but he just ignores me, this is our routine, me and my brother try to annoy each other while mom prepares the food for us

"Amelia!" our mom said

"Can we please have some quiet morning? Can you try not to annoy each other okay?" she added

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