Louis and Amelia

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I'm so dead! I'm so freakin'dead!

Perrie is still staring at me with mixed emotions on her face, lucky for me the twins didn't hear what she said or else something big is about to happen. I look at the twins who are smiling at their mother; Amelia went to her side and hugs Perrie

"Mom you're back! How are you feeling?"Amelia asked, she look down at her daughter for a while then to Louis and lastly to me and I know she's already back in reality

"Oh ah, Mr Hanato told me to have some rest until tomorrow." She answered her daughter but she's still looking at me "Where's your Aunt Jesy?"

"She's with Uncle Jay at the kitchen, come inside mom. I'll introduce you to our visitors" Louis answered and pulls her mother, I step aside for a while so they can pass by me and I closes the door

I thought she always sent a text to Jesy if ever she's coming home? – I asked myself but I have no answer to that as I watch her and the twins came closer to Leigh-anne and Jake who are both oblivious on what's happening

"Hey Jesy! What's taking you so long?" Jake yelled earning a slap on his head from Leigh-anne, oh if only I could jump over there and shut their mouths "You don't need to yell, Jake" Leigh-anne answered. I decided to walk towards the two to inform them that Perrie is home but Jayson and Jesy went back with our drinks

'Oh god please help us!' I whispered. Jayson is smiling from ear to ear but when he saw his sister standing in between the twins, the smiles slowly fades from his handsome face "Okay who wants drinks before the terminator arrives!"Jesy shouted

You and your big mouth Jesy! – I yelled inside my mind but then she stops when she heard Perrie's voice "Terminator huh? So that's my name behind my back" I sigh, look down and closes my eyes. I wish that moment I have a genie that can make me disappear in an instant but who am I kidding?!

"P-perrie? What are you doing here?" Jesy asked then Jayson nudged her elbow "I mean, hey! You're back! Welcome to your humble abode!" as of now, Leigh-anne and Jake already knows that Perrie is back home and no one said a word after Jesy speaks

"So what do we have here? A mini-reunion?" She asked and looks at each and every one of us but when her eyes landed on me, it turns from confusion to coldness "I think you two forget to tell me something" and diverted her glare at Jesy and Jayson

"Oh no sis, we're about to ah call you that you know Leigh-anne and the gang are here to visit us!" Jayson said but Jesy step on his foot on purpose and walks towards Perrie "Don't mind him; he doesn't know what he's saying." She motions for me to go stand beside Leigh-anne and Jake while she do her thing

"What Jayson meant is, they are visiting someone in the neighbourhood when they saw Jayson knocking at your door. So they went to him and they didn't know that this is your house. You know how kind I am and I'm not rude to just let them leave without even inviting them in" Jesy explains, I look at Perrie and somewhat she's buying what her older sister said but things went down the slope when Amelia speaks

"Silly Aunt Jesy! She's not telling the truth mom!" Amelia said with a smile on her face, I try to get her attention not to say anything but she's not looking at me nor to Jesy "They invited them in and we're so happy that they are here so you can finally meet Ms. Jaytee!"

Jesy face plam herself while Leigh-anne give a faint smile to Jake who doesn't know what's going on "Ms. Jaytee?" Perrie asked her daughter and Louis points his index finger at me

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