Truth and Lies

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Sorry guys but this is a short update


"This can't be happening!!"

I was busy looking for the documents I needed for work when I hear these words from Jade. I don't know why my heart suddenly beats faster when I saw the shock written all over her beautiful face. I try to open y mouth but no words came out but the truth is I'm afraid to ask what she saw.

I continue watching her expression and I know I need to ask her what's wrong.

"Hey, are you okay?" I asked her but she just look at me, I sigh before I look at my twins who are also looking at Jade "Uhm why don't you prepare some snacks for us." I said to them, Louise nods his head and pulls his sister up without asking or saying anything at me.

I follow them with my gaze and once they are out of the room, I look at Jade once more "What's wrong?" I asked her again and this time she shook her head.

I didn't believe her because I saw tears in her eyes "Come on babe, tell me." I said again, she sighs and hand me over the papers she's holding.

"I just don't know what I will feel if ever I found out that they are not mine." She said to me, I furrow my eyebrows at her then look at the papers I'm holding "Even though you're saying that you married someone else and they are not mine, I know you're telling a lie." She added.

"Jade." I don't know what I'm going to say to her but when I saw the tears falls freely from her eyes, my heart shatters "Don't cry please." I said and hug her.

I look at the papers; well actually it was a prank for Jayson. It's Jesy's idea and she paid some of his friend to be part of her plan. She wants to teach our brother that it's not right to bring different girls every night in his house. One of Jayson's girls volunteered to be part of the prank. She sent Jayson a false DNA test saying that the baby is his.

And you know what happen next.

"This is just a prank okay, please stop crying." I said to her "Sorry, I just can't help it. I mean, I already told myself to be ready if they are not really mine." She answered in between sobs.

I broke the hug and look straight into her eyes. How can I tell her the truth? I know I said that I still care about her and the feelings I have for her is still here even though she hurt me. My heart is always beating for her but my head keeps on saying no.

Am I ready to tell her everything? Truth and Lies?

Is she the other mother of my twins? It could be a lie? Or she's not? Is that the truth?

"What if they're not yours? Will it matter to you?" I asked her, that question has been in my mind ever since we got here. She looks at me and gives me a small smile.

"It won't matter to me as long as I have you and the kids." I should be happy with her answer but I'm not a fool to believe on those words. I know her a lot and she can't fool me with those words, I know it will matter to her. The way her eyes saddened, it will hurt her a lot.

"Jade please be-" I didn't finish my sentence when I felt that she squeezes my hands "This is not the right time and the right place to talk about it. This is our vacation and I don't want to ruin it because of our past." She said.

"Let's enjoy and have fun with the twins' baby," she added, I nod my head as I watch her stand up, she stretch out her hand towards me and I gladly accepted it.

"I love you." Jade said, I smile sweetly at her and say "I love you too." We left the room and head to the kitchen holding each other hands.



I've been staring at the papers sitting in front of me. I make sure that everyone is asleep before I open this envelope I found. We were busy searching for some papers and they didn't notice that I found something else.

At first glance it seems like an ordinary folder, there are no words written outside or any signs, logos or owners' name. The only thing that stands out of this envelope is the colour and texture. I guess the saying 'curiosity kills the cat' is true, I shouldn't have open it.

I'm sitting on the sofa crying, I don't know what I will feel about what I read on the papers. Should I be disappointed? Be mad or something? I'm so confused!!

I slowly took the paper, the only paper I segregate among the others. I close my eyes for while then open it to re-read the content.

Though there's only a slight difference with the timeline, it says here that they are not yours based on the data's and records that I collected. I also did some interview from people who knew them.

I cover my mouth to stop myself from crying out loud.

I checked it twice, Ms. Thirlwall but I keep landing on the same result. There's another person in Perrie Edward's life after you and there's one hundred and one possibilities they are his kids.

I don't know what will I think, why would she lie to us? To me? I don't want to believe anything that I read but...

A single drop of tear fell on the paper I'm holding, I quickly wipe it from my face then onto the paper. I look around the house and saw some drawers, I need to hide these papers until I talk to her but will I have the courage to ask her about this?

I know the answer to my question is a no as it shatters my heart into million pieces.

I stand up and walk towards the drawers and out the papers inside.

'For now I need to get head back to bed and think of the best way to confront her about this tomorrow.' I whispered to myself.

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