Clear as Crystal

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As we wait for our orders to arrive, I look at the documents sitting in front of me. It is a marriage contract, at first, I thought Perrie and Jamie are married since she told me that she is happily married but she received a call from her husband so technically it's not them. Honestly speaking, I don't want to know the names of the persons who signed this contract.

All I keep on thinking about is Luke... that douche bag who keeps on saying he's the father of our sister's twins. Like, what the fuck?! There's no resemblance and all. I know Jade is their other mother, Louise is a living proof but to think that Leigh-anne mentioned to me that when they saw Perrie again, one year after she left my care, she's not pregnant at all and told Jade that their twins died.

I felt Leigh-anne nudged her elbow at me and I look at her "We better start this conversation before Perrie calls you." She said, I look at my watch and I know in a matter of minutes, my sister will call me "Okay, let's start." I answered and we all look at Jamie.

"You can ask me anything." Jamie said and took a sip from her coffee "Is Jade's the other mother of Perrie's twins?" Jayson asked.

"I don't think I need to answer that question. The twins are the kids' version of Jade and Perrie and Luke doesn't resemble any one of them."

I heard Leigh-anne let out a sigh of relief "Because Jade loves those two rascals more than her life." She said, "When the time you saw her, I was there also with the twins." Jamie said again.

"Then why would she tell Jade that their twins died?" I asked, "She's hurting, Jade left her and thinks that she wants to come back in her life just because she's pregnant." She answered while looking at Leigh-anne then to me.

"She promised herself that Jade won't found out about Louise and Amelia and that she'll do anything and everything in her power to cut her off their lives."

"And Perrie has the right to do that because she's the birth mother, right?" Jamie nods her head at Jayson "So no matter what Jade do, Perrie has the final say." I said and again Jamie nods her head.

"What about Luke? Did Perrie paid him to act as— "Jamie cuts off Leigh-anne "Perrie won't do that, yeah she's mad at Jade but he won't pay someone to act as their father."

"Then what?" Jamie looks at me and sighs "Luke has an obsession towards your sister." She answered "A deadly one."

"She met Perrie when she got lost on her way back to my house." Jamie started explaining "He's an ex-convict, charged with beating up her girlfriends, dealing with drugs, etc. He helps her find the way back and it all started there. Every day he'll show up at my front door and giving things to Perrie." She stops for a while and leans her back on the chair.

"We thought he's okay and kind-hearted, I mean Perrie wants to entertain him just to get her mind off Jade but something happened that prevents that from happening." She pauses and looks at Leigh-anne, Jayson then to me, she stares at me for a while and lets out a deep sigh "He hurt you sister." She added.

"Hurt? In what way?" I asked "Physically. He beat her up. I need to bring Perrie at the hospital that day."

"That fucking asshole! I'm going to beat him once I see him again!" Jayson said as I feel my blood boils "We told the police and file a restraining order against him because he won't stop bugging your sister and threatening her life and the twins."

"He told the judge that Louise and Amelia are his and that's what he believes. Me and my husband, who is my boyfriend that time decided to look for another place to get away from Luke. We manage to be far from him but still, he has this connection to find Perrie."

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