Jade's Payback Time (Last Part)

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I am sitting across Perrie who can't even look me in the eye. If you're going to ask me, if I hear them talking? Yeah I did! Right from the start. I went out of my room and I don't have any idea how I got there. All I could remember was Perrie standing a few feet away from me, naked!

I saw the twins watching but I decided to go to the kitchen when I heard Perrie's voice. I saw Jesy, Leigh-anne and Jayson talking to her and I really can't believe it! I forced her?! She said I fucking FORCED her?! Oh now I'm pissed!

"Ms. Jade Thirlwall, care to join us for a minute?" Jayson asked me, I nod my head and sit on the chair opposite to Perrie. From the moment I sit, my eyes never left her but she can't look straight at me and I can hear Jesy and Leigh-anne giggling.

"Well, shall we start or not?" I asked but I didn't bother to look at them "Oh yes we can! So, we have a complainant here by the name of Perrie Edwards saying that you FORCED her to stay with you. Don't you know that FORCING someone is against the law Ms. Thirlwall?" Jesy asked me.

Before I say a word, I saw Perrie take a glance at me but immediately look at Jesy "Will you stop emphasizing those words Jesy?!" she said.

"There's nothing wrong in emphasizing words my dear sister. Anyway, it's her turn now so let Ms. Thirlwall do the talking this time. We want to hear her side on this issue." And then all eyes are on me. First I look at Jayson then to Jesy and Leigh-anne then to my beloved Perrie Edwards.

"I didn't FORCED you to stay, Perrie." I answered, to be honest I wanted to laugh when I hear gasp coming from my sister and friends "You're the one who said that I CAN HAVE YOU FOR THE REST OF THE DAY" I added.

She opens her mouth to say something but I'm way faster than her "Plus we're not done talking. I just went out to buy us some food." I added, I smile when I saw her biting her lower lip, I know there's no way she can defend herself now but then she smiles at me and I can feel my heart beating faster.

"Do you have any proof Ms. Thirlwall? Your words against mine" she said and I'm doomed! How can I support my answer if I didn't have any proof that I didn't force her to stay "I can ask your mobile network company to give us a copy of your conversation with my kids"

At the corner of my eyes, I can see Jesy and Leigh-anne are both enjoying what's happening in front of them "You don't have anything against me, Jadey. I'm going to win this" she said again, I raise one of my eyebrows at her but what the heck!

Perrie has a point, I have nothing against her. I let out a deep sigh when we hear the phone rings, I was about to stand up when Jesy stops me "Let the twins answer the phone" she said "They won't answer that unless you tell them to" Jayson said then of course Jesy being herself starts to yell.

"HEY!! YOU TWO!! ANSWER THE GOD DAMN PHONE!!" I can feel my eardrums shatter "Jesus Jesy! You don't need to yell" Perrie said.

"Don't yell Aunt Jesy!" we heard Amelia's voice "THEN ANSWER THE GOD DAMN PHONE SO IT WILL STOP RINGING!" Jesy shouted again.

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