The Punishment (Part 1)

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I am sitting on my bed for nearly an hour now since I heard my alarm. The truth is, I didn't have a proper sleep last night due to over thinking though I tried but my mind kept on talking to me and didn't let me sleep. I sigh and massage my forehead.

I can't believe that this is happening to me! I thought I was winning but damn that girl!

I look at my watch and saw that it's almost 6:30 in the morning. If this is just a normal day, I'm still sleeping right now but I know I have to get up early, leave my house and try to escape.

Escape? Yeah, I need to escape – I told myself. I grab my shoulder bag and walk to the door. I slowly open the door and peek through the door to see if someone is already awake. I let out a sigh of relief when I didn't see anyone on the hallway.

I shook my head when I realize what I was doing. I'm acting like a thief trying to escape my own house. I walk slowly and trying not to make a noise. I decided not to check my twins because Amelia is a light sleeper.

I continue walking until me reach the stairs but I stop when I remember something. I'm not sure if my sister and brother spent the night here. I look at the two guest room, I want to check it but I'm running out of time. Jade will be here at exactly 7 in the morning.

I immediately went downstairs and almost run towards the door when I made a left turn, grab my car key and speed to the door. I was about to turn the knob when I saw that the alarm is on. Well it's not a problem as long as I'll put the code as fast as I can before anyone and especially my twins can hear it.

I look at the alarm pad and think about the code. Then practice how will I push the button as fast as I could. I took a deep breath and let it all out, I turn the knob on the door because I can't disarm it without opening any protected windows or doors.

I only have 5 seconds to disarm it which I should set to 10 seconds but I'm worried about my twins' safety so, ah forget it. I punch in the codes but it beeps, meaning I punch in the wrong code; I try it again a little faster than what I did on the first time but still it didn't disarm and my heart beats faster when the alarm went off.

I try punching in the codes again but there's no luck. It's too late for me to shut the door but even if I did that, it won't stop the alarm.

'Come on. Will you stop already?!' I whispered and talking to the alarm in front of me. I know, I look stupid and crazy but what else can I do?! Then I hear a voice coming from behind.

"What are you doing mom?" Louise asked me, I close the door, hit the alarm with my hand and turn around to face my son. I give him my sweetest smile and he smiled back and try to talk to him even though that stupid alarm is still ringing.

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