The first night

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It's been hours since Jesy, Jason and Leigh-anne left Jade and Perrie with the twins on the island. Amelia and Louise are both busy unpacking their things, Jade is helping them while Perrie is at the kitchen and told them that she'll prepare their dinner.

She and Jade haven't unpack their things yet because Perrie told her to help the kids first then they'll unpack after they are done eating but the truth is the girl with blue eyes is thinking of any excuse so Jade won't sleep next to her.

I know I did something bad and it caused her to faint when she saw me naked but I don't think I can have a proper sleep if she's beside me.

'Oh you can't just admit that you're body is reacting in a different when Jade is standing or sitting next to you.' Her brain whispered 'Of course not! And what do you mean by my body is reacting in a different way.' Perrie answered to her own brain.

'Come on Perrie, you're a smart person so you know the answer to that.'

'I don't but if you're thinking acting in a sexual way, well Ms. Brainy you got it all wrong!' then she realizes something and look around, she let out a sigh of relief when she didn't see anyone there "Fuck! Why am I talking to me self again? Good thing Jesy is not here or she'll tease me."

She looks at the food in front of her. Perrie already spent more than an hour preparing for their dinner but until now the plates are still empty.

"Oh what the heck!" she said, she opens a top drawer and take a cereal. She puts back the plates on the side and gets the milk inside the fridge. Perrie places the bowls on the table together with the box of cereal, milk and some fruits.

She then walks back to where the twins' room is and gently knocks on the door.

"Dinner is ready." She said while looking at her kids and not to Jade "Finally! What did you cook Mom?" Louise asked and jumps out of the bed.

"You'll find out later, so come on." Louise holds her hand while Amelia and Jade are following them from behind. The twins are both smiling from ear to ear because they are happy not only because they are going to have a quality time with their Mom but they are also happy because Jade is with them.

When they finally reach the table, Amelia looks at Louise when they see the food on the table. They both look at Perrie, Louise wants to ask her something but decided to just shut his mouth knowing that his twin sister will ask their mother.

"Why are we having breakfast for dinner?" Amelia asked their biological Mother "I have no time to prepare a dish because ah.. because I was busy cleaning the kitchen." The blonde girl said.

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