Jesy and Leigh-anne's version (Last Part)

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Just a short update..


Jade and Perrie can't believe that the two older girls standing a few feet away from them thought that they had sex inside Perrie's storage room. They don't know what they will say to them, Jade steps forward as Leigh-anne starts to speak

"You don't have to deny it guys, there's nothing wrong in doing IT but please be careful next time" she said, Jade shook her head and look at Leigh then to Jesy "Let us explain it first okay before you guys conclude on whatever you heard" Jade said

"No, save it Jade. We believe on what we heard! Period!" Jesy answered, she looks at Perrie who is also looking at her while her hands are cross on her chest "Don't try to deny it, I can see it through your eyes and actions!" she told her sister

"Actions?! What actions Jesy?" Perrie asked her "You're limping for goodness sake Pez! It's one of our proof that Jade did IT good!"

"Ahhh! Enough of this! I want to know what you guys heard then afterwards we'll explain to you our side." Jade said. Leigh looks at Jesy but the latter shook her head

"There's nothing wrong if we listen, Jes. Like you said we have a proof and we heard them." Leigh-anne said to the oldest girl "Fine but you tell it!" Leigh nods her head and looks at the two

"Well, we went to check on you guys after Louis said that you've been in the storage room for about an hour now.." Leigh-anne starts to speaks "But before we can do anything, we heard something inside" she added

"W-what did you hear?" Perrie asked her though the younger girl has an idea what the two girls heard


'Come one let me do it' they heard Jade's voice from the inside, Jesy and Leigh-anne are both leaning their ears on the door 'N-no Jade, It hurts'

'I'll be gentle babe, promise'

'O-okay. Where can I lie down?'

'Here, oh wait let me carry you.' Jesy and Leigh-anne looks at each other for a while then continues on listening

'Why are you removing my pyjamas?' they heard Perrie asked

'So I can see it clearly. It's dark in here and the light coming from the window won't even help me to see'

'But it's g-going to be—'

'Don't worry, you won't feel cold once we started'


'So you're ready?'

'Yes but please be careful Jade'

'I will don't worry' Jesy place her right hand on Leigh's shoulder while they are waiting for what will happen next

'Fuck Jade! It hurts so much!'

'I'm so sorry Perrie, ah here let me do it again' Leigh-anne was about to knock on the door when Jesy stops her and pulls her outside. The two girls don't know what they will say with each other and went silent for about a minute when Leigh-anne speaks

"Please don't tell me they are doing it?" she asked Jesy "Oh shut up Leigh. I don't want to think that my sister and your sister are doing.. doing.. oh forget it!" and she sits on the floor

"Maybe we heard it wrong, Jes."Jesy looks up to her and slaps her legs causing for Leigh-anne to kick her gently "They are both lucky that we're the ones who heard it and not the twins" Jesy said

"Yeah, I think so but Amelia and Louis are too young to know or to think what they are doing inside."

"Oh you don't know those evil twins, they might look like angels sent from up above but the thing is they have these little thorns on their heads"Leigh-anne sits on the floor too

"Let's go back and help those two get out and ask for their explanations" Leigh-anne said and stands up "I won't go back in there! I'm too young and innocent to hear those words coming out from their mouth!"

"Oh please Jesy, you can't fool me that you are young and innocent! Now move your butt before anything else happen between those two"she pulls Jesy up and drag her towards the storage room again, Leigh-anne thought that maybe Jade and Perrie senses that there's someone on the other side of the door

'Go on and knock before I hear anything unusual again'Jesy whispered to her, Leigh-anne nods her head but it's too late when they heard Perrie's moan

'There, oh my god Jade you're so good!'

'You like that huh? Told you I'll be gentle'

'Yes I like it, god damn it'

'Ssshh don't talk to loud, someone might hear us'

'Oh I'm sorry'

'It's okay love. Do you want me to stop?'

'Oh no please, It still hurts but I'm enjoying this'

'Your wish is my command my lady'

'Ooohhh Jade, yeah right t-there. A little—'this time the two stunned girls runs back and went straight to the living room. Leigh-anne's face is flustered while Jesy is cursing in her own mind.



I can't believe it! I can't believe that they actually caught us!

"So are you two still going to deny the fact that something HAPPENED between the two of you?!"Jesy asked us, I look at Perrie and she looks at me too, her face is red as beets "Look Jesy, you heard it the wrong way" I told her

"Jade please stop, I don't want to hear anymore more coming from you too. I'm not disappointed or anything but all I want it you should do it in a private room"

"God damn it Jesy! You really have a perverted mind! You both agree to listen to our side, so you can stop thinking something happened to us"Perrie said "Of course you're going to deny it. You can manipulate Leigh's brain but not me"

The thing is we don't know how we will explain to them what really happened; we don't have any proof or anything that can solidify our story.

"Wait! I remember Jayson installed CCTV cameras all over the house including the storage room" Perrie said while looking at me "Great! Now we can show these two tha—"and Jesy cuts me off

"Ewe! You want us to watch how you eat, touch and—"Perrie cuts her off this time "Watch your word, Jesy"

"Whatever you two did inside! I'm not going to watch it"but Perrie has a way with her own sister, so she drags her out of the library while me and Leigh followed them behind. We saw the twins still engage ob the show they are watching. We went upstairs and into a mini-room where Jayson puts the monitors and hard-drive

"Now sit down and enjoy the movie"Perrie said while smiling at her sister. As for me, I sit beside Perrie as I watch her rewind the video caught on camera.

You wanna know what happened inside the storage room? Well here it goes...

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