The Disaster Lunch Date (Part 1)

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I parked my car on the other side of the road. I was sitting in my office a while ago when I received a text message coming from Perrie, actually she didn't call me back and for the past seconds and minutes, I feel like I'm going crazy and maybe she's busy again with work.

I look at my phone again re-reading her text, I don't know if I'm going to feel relieve that Mr. Hanato already told her that I'm planning to invite her for lunch or be nervous because by the way Perrie texted me, boy I'm sure she doesn't like the idea that I talked to her boss first.

Meet me in front of the hotel in 15 minutes

Perrie wasn't there, maybe because I'm fucking 10 minutes early and I drove here for 5 damn minutes only. How on earth did I do that?

Anyways, I dial Leigh-anne's number to ah ask her to help me boost my confidence but man she's not answering! I browse through my contacts and a certain name appears, it's Jayson and he'll be the last person I want to ask for help.


It's not that you can't trust that guy or he's busy but sometimes Jayson can be so playful and even if he wanted to help you, it will turn into disaster! I wanted to call Jesy but I know she have a client meeting today so there's no one I could talk to.

As I look out my window, I saw Perrie walking towards my car. I start to panic as I don't know what I'll do. I push the button to roll down my window but damn it, it's not working!

Jade dear, you need power so it could work. Why not trying to turn the ignition on first, silly – my mind told me. Oh yeah haha, my bad! I quickly turn the ignition on and roll down my window and wave at her then I went out to open the door for her.

She went inside without looking at me and I can tell that maybe she's pissed with me. I sigh and went to the driver side and get in. I roll up my window and put on my seatbelt. I don't know but I feel that Perrie is looking at me and when I turn my head to the left, I was right, Perrie is definitely looking at me.

"H-hello" I said, Perrie tilt her head to the right and I know that gesture. I took a deep breath and let it all out "I'm sorry. I just wanted to asked him if you're busy the whole day"

"Then why not ask me instead?" she asked "Oh, ah because, you know, I ah.. Sorry" I hear her sigh and I know she won't like the idea of me inviting her for lunch but then I feel her hand rested on mine

"I'm not mad Jade okay. It's just that I don't want you to ask my boss first, you can ask me out or anything. I'll go with you if I'm not busy" she told me, I nod my head and let out a small smile but I'm not looking at her. She then lifts my chin and makes me look at her

"I love to have lunch with you. It's not a lunch date okay? Just a friendly one" she said to me, I smile from ear to ear, it doesn't matter if this is a date or not, all I want is to spend time with her, just the two of us "Okay Perrie.." I answered and start to drive.

We haven't talk too much on our way here at the restaurant because first I don't know how will I start a conversation and second, Perrie's been looking outside the window the entire drive. I open my door and went out first so I can open hers but she's way too fast and didn't wait for me to open it. We walk side by side and smiling to one another and went inside.

It's the kind of restaurant that you don't need to make a reservations, I know Perrie hates eating in a fancy one so I picked this place for her. We found a table beside the table and it's perfect. The Restaurant is almost full because it's already lunch time.

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