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I was on my way to the front desk, Katherine told me that Mr. Hanato was looking for me to sign some papers but I'm still thinking what Jesy told me a while ago. If you're going to ask me It feels like I know that girl standing right next to her

"Where's Ms. Jaytee?" I asked her

"Oh, she ah, she left. She said she needs to do something.." she looks at me for a sec then plays with her phone again, I saw Louis looks at her and opens his mouth to speak

"Did Ms. Jaytee said something to you about Miss Le---" but Jesy cuts him off by pulling him closer to her and shows something on her phone, Louis then looks at me with a smile on his face

"You're saying something babe?"but Louis shook her head a couple of times, returns to his seat and zip his mouth

"Okay sis let's talk about why did I took them without calling you.." I heard Jesy said changing the topic and looking straight back to me

I know she's acting weird, I mean t first she told me that is a beggar but then Amelia said that she's Ms. Jaytee

That Ms. Jaytee is a bit mysterious

I continue walking towards the front desk, I greeted some guest who knows me and smiled, when I reached the desk, A couple ask me about the discounts they earned while staying at the hotel 2 weeks ago for a week, I happily explained it to them and take a brochure but then in the corner of my eye I saw someone, It's Jaytee. She's on her way here but turn around as soon as she saw me

"Will you excuse me for a sec, I'll get back to you later.." I told the couple and didn't wait for their answer as soon as I find my feet catching up on her

"Ms. Edwards?" Lisa, one of the receptionist called me and waves some paper in the air

"Yes?" I answered but not looking at her, my eyes don't want to let go of the figure walking out of the door, I'm not even listening to whatever Lisa is saying but then she stops me from walking and stand in my way

"Mr. Hanato, wants you to sign this papers.." and hand over me a couple of papers, I just nodded my head and sign the papers as fast as I could

"Oh can you explain to them about the discount they are asking me a while ago? I just badly needed to talk to someone." I said ignoring the looks she's giving me and went after Jaytee

"Ms. Jaytee! Wait!" I know she can hear me but I don't get it why she's not stopping, I keep on following her like a maniac and almost run so I can grab her hand but I heard Mr. Hanato calls her

"Ms. Thirlwall? Ms. Jade Thirlwall?" as soon as she heard the voice, she stopped but didn't turn around to look at him though I'm really confused on what's going on, Why Mr. Hanato called her Jade Thirlwall. This is my chance to know the truth behind this girl, as Mr. Hanato walks towards her, my sister Jesy appears at the back of him and grab his arm

"Mr. Hanato!! What a pleasure to see you again!" she said


I followed my sister outside, I don't know why but my heart is beating faster and there's a voice inside me saying that Jade is looking for us outside, I hid myself so my sister won't see me following her, whenever she stops, I stop but I already saw Jade walking towards the desk and soon realize that my sister spotted her

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