Keith and Jade

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Jesy and Leigh-anne are having conversations about what happened yesterday with her lunch with Jade and Sasha, Keith and Perrie. Leigh-anne was thankful she's not there because she knows what Jade can do if she's pissed.

"So you just watch them and didn't do anything?" Leigh-anne asked her dear friend Jesy who's smiling from ear to ear "What you want me to do? You know that I only mind my business right?"

Leigh-anne raised an eyebrow at her, she knows Jesy too much. Once she's enjoying what's happening in front of her, she won't do anything to stop it or at least make those people involve calming down.

"Too bad you missed it" Jesy said "No girl, I'm glad I missed it. I don't want to see my sister being jealous over a g--" but Leigh-anne stops talking when the door abruptly opens and Jade comes in.

"I need your help Jesy" Jade said, she didn't even bother to say good morning to the two ladies "I'm busy Jadey, maybe next time" Jesy answered

Leigh-anne shook her head while smiling and looks at her sister "What's the matter?" She asked "I have a meeting at 9 right? I need Jesy to be there"

"Why? Bring your sister instead" Jade pulls the chair opposite to Jesy and place it in front of her, she sits on it and place both of her hands on Jesy's shoulder "It's a matter of life and death situation! Do you want me to go to jail after that meeting??"

Jesy looks at Leigh-anne while the latter is still looking at her sister "This girl's gone mad, woman!" Jesy said

"What do you mean by that Jade? What did you do?" Leigh-anne asked "I haven't done anything yet Leigh but if you and I will go to that meeting without this gossip girl with us then this will be the last time we'll be together"

"You're scaring me Jade. You act like a psychopath!" Jesy said but Jade ignores her "You know how much I hate that Keith Simmons right? You know that!"

"So? As if you're going to have a one on one meeting with him!" Then both of them heard Leigh-anne gasp "Mr. Simmons can't come so he sends his son instead"

"Now you know why I need this stupid woman to be with us in that meeting"

"Hey! Don't call me stupid!" The two girls look at Jesy then Leigh-anne smiles "You really need to come Jesy. Like what you've said in your stories, Jade is jealous over that Keith and it's not a good idea for them to be in one room"

"I'm not jealous! Why would I be jealous?!" Jesy raised an eyebrow at her "I won't say yes if you won't admit it to us."

"Admit what?"

"That you're freaking jealous of Keith! Come on Jade, I've seen you throw deadly stare at the poor guy"

'He deserves it for trying to hit on me woman!' Jade mumbles and the two older girls just look at each other "You know if you don't want to join us on our meeting with him then you can leave"

Jesy giggles and rolled her eyes at her "Of course I'll join you guys, I don't want to miss this" she answered

An hour later...


Here I am walking back and forth in front of Jesy who keeps on smiling at me, to be honest, I want to wipe that smile on her face but in I'm in no position to do that now.

"Will you relax Jade. It seems like you're waiting for your conviction" she said to me "Shut up will you."

"Let Leigh do the talking and you just listen and shut your mouth. You'll survive without saying any harsh word at him"

"I don't think I can do that. He makes my blood boils. What was he thinking spending the night with Perrie and her twins?!"

"And what were you thinking leaving my sister behind??" I stop on pacing and look at Jesy "I didn't mean to do that, Jes. We we're--" and she cuts me off

"Young? Then why did you ask her to have a baby with you?"

I don't know what I will answer her. I sit in front of her and look down.

"You hurt my sister and even left her behind and now you're acting like a jealous girlfriend??"

"I'm sorry Jesy"

"I don't need your apology, Jade. I don't know what your reasons are but I'm willing to give you a chance to make up with my sister" I smiled at her and I'm thankful that I have a friend like her.

We heard a knock and the door opens Leigh-anne motions for us to follow her. I look at Jesy for one last time and took a deep breath.

"You'll be fine if you just shut your mouth" she said

As the three of us walks towards the conference room, I can't stop reminding myself to not to say a word and let Leigh-anne handle everything. I need to sign some papers in front of him that's why I need to present. Mr. Simmons is one of our major stockholders and he's planning on expanding our business in Asia.

My sister turns the knob of the conference room door and enters, Jesy signal me to go first and I must say that she's still smiling from ear to ear. I need to be careful if I need to say something because there's a big chance that Jesy will tell her sister.

As I enter, I saw Keith sitting on the chair facing his back on us. I've got to admit that he's really handsome and he suits perfectly for Perrie and right then and there, I feel my temper starts to rise.

You're making it hard for yourself, Jade. Just go with the flow - My mind reminded me. I saw Leigh taps his shoulder and he stands up, he extends his hand over to my sister and Leigh-anne gladly accepts it.

"Sorry to keep you waiting" she said "its okay. I'm not in a hurry so I can wait" he answered

'Oh stop being so polite boy!' I whispered but Jesy heard it and pulls my hair to make me stop 'I told you to shut your mouth' I ignore her and continue on walking. I don't have a plan on shaking his hand so I walk pass by him.

"Hello Ms. Thirlwall." I heard him say. I look at him and forced a smile. I saw Jesy covering her mouth so she could stop herself from laughing at me.

"Hello too Mr. Simmons" I answered as Leigh-anne watch me closely "You can call me Keith, Mr. Simmons is my father"

"Uhm okay. Have a sit" and I pull a chair in sits opposite to him "My Dad can't come so he asked me instead. Mike has a meeting with his business partner so I don't have a choice" Leigh-anne laughs and so as Jesy and I think he's not surprise to see her.

Honestly speaking his face brightens when he saw her "You've got nothing to worry about. We just need to explain to you some things and signs some papers for your father." Leigh-anne explained.

The meeting started and the older girls mostly Leigh-anne talk and explain everything to Keith. I'm doing everything I can to not say anything. Sometimes I pinch myself, I bite my tongue, think about Amelia and Louis but most of the time, I daydream of Perrie.

I am smiling when I remember the day we got locked inside her storage room looking for a dice and I didn't realize that Leigh-anne is calling me.

"Huh?" I asked "I said I need to leave Keith with you for a while." She answered me

"What?! Why??" Jesy laughs this time and she apologize to me and Keith but I know why she laughs "I need to answer a call from Mr. Nigel, its important"

Leigh didn't wait for my answer and excuse herself, Keith just nod his head and look at me and we heard another ring coming from Jesy. I saw her look at the phone and smiles

"It's my client, I need to take this call too" she said and taps Keith's shoulder, she then looks at me and give me a warning look.

Why do they need to call at this time of day?! Can't they just wait until the meeting is over?! - I asked myself. I try to avoid Keith's eyes but these damn eyes of mine are not cooperating.

"Hi Jade" he said when my eyes landed on him "Hey" I answered in a cold tone

"So how are you and Perrie?" The nerve of him to ask me that question "I called her last night but it seems like she's pissed"

"And why'd you called her?"

"I just want to know if she and the kids arrive at their house safe"

"Or you just want to spend another night with her especially with my Perrie" I heard him giggles and it's too late to realize what I've just said

"I mean my friend Perrie" but he just shrugs his shoulder and look at me "I think there's nothing wrong if she invites me to spend the night with them, she's single right?"

I was imagining that I'm holding a samurai sword and slashing this guy into million pieces while laughing!

Okay Jade, Jesy's right, you act like a psychopath! - My mind reminds me

"Are you serious about Perrie?" I asked him and he furrow his eyebrows "Don't make me repeat the question, Keith"

"If I say yes, what will you do?"

"Nothing. I'll let you do your thing and I'll do mine. You may have the past 4,5,6 years but I already have her heart on the day I met her"

Keith smiled at me but didn't say anything "It's my fault that she's not in my life right now but I'll do whatever it takes to have her back. I'm warning you, I don't give up easily"

"Then good luck with that Jade but there's something you need to know first" I saw him stand up and walks towards the window then look at me. He walks slowly towards me and he's not removing his eyes on me.

Once he's close enough, he stand behind my chair, bend a little and whisper something in my ear which made me look back and give him a confused look.

"Can you say that again?!!!" I asked.

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