Beautiful Liar

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I blink my eyes a few times as I look at the window of my car broken. I felt a warm liquid dripping down on my forehead, as I touch it, I saw blood on my fingers.

What happened?

I ask myself that question as I try to recall what happened to me, I remember driving my car and something hit my windshield and I lost control of my car and that's all I can remember. I remove my seat belt and hear knocking on my window.

"Miss! Miss! Are you okay?" Someone asked me from the outside, I nod my head and reach out for the handle, as soon as the door opens, I went out. Some of the by standers help me but their face is a bit blurry to me.

"Can someone call ambulance quick!" I hear someone shouted, I try to recompose myself but my head is hurting and I'm kinda getting panic attacks, I wanted to stand up but someone stops me from doing it "It's better if you just sit still until the paramedics arrive." She said

I nod my head once more and told myself to calm down "M-my phone, I n-need my phone." I said, I hear voices said to check inside my car "I n-need to c-call my wife..." Perrie is all I can think about, my eyes start to tear up when I saw a guy standing in front of me

"Perrie's mine..." he said "L-Luke?" he starts to walk-away as I hear Perrie calling my name "N-no, no!" I shouted, I felt someone hold me down when I try to stand up.

"H-he's taking her away... I n-need to stop him." I said but they are not letting me go as their images starts to blur, I shouted with the last strength remaining in me "PERRIE!"

Jade opens her eyes and found herself on a bed, Leigh-anne and Jesy are both looking at her with a worried look on their faces "Jade? Are you alright?" my sister asked me.

"Where's Perrie? I need to talk to her please." I saw Jesy looks at Leigh-anne "Why?"

"Just please answer my question damn it!"

"She's at the house with the kids." Jesy answered "Are you sure?" and she nods her head towards me.

"What's wrong Jade?" she asked me again, I close my eyes and shake my head and said nothing. I feel a pain on my forehead and touch it "Do you remember what happened to you last night?" Leigh-anne asked and I nod my head.

"The police are still looking for the culprit but they said that there's a CCTV camera on that area so they will easily capture who did this to you." Jesy said "Did you manage to see his/her face?"

"No, I was drunk last night and it happens so fast." I answered "Yeah, you still have to face the charges of driving under influence of the alcohol."

"I told you not to drink too much Jade." Leigh-anne starts to nag "You're lucky you only got a scratch on your forehead." She added.

I look at Jesy and ignores my sister "C-can you please tell Perrie if I can spend some time with the kids this weekend?"

"Why don't you ask her?" Jesy answered me "She might say no to me but I know you will convince her." I answered while looking at the sheet covering my body.

"Okay sure, I'll try." I give her a small smile and looks at Leigh-anne "I'm sorry okay? I promise, I won't do it again." She walks towards me and give me a hug.


Jesy decided not to call her sister since Jade is always welcome to her house even though the relationship of the two are starting to fall apart. It's been a month and neither of them talk to each other, they didn't even send a text message saying Hi or Hello.

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