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Louis Daniel Edwards-Thirlwall

Amelia Jasmine Edwards-Thirlwall

Somebody wake me up if I'm dreaming!- Jade told to herself while holding the Identification cards of the twins looking at her.

I knew they were mine. I felt something strange the first time I saw these two little angels and somewhat tells me that they are related to her

"Ms. Jaytee? Are you alright?" Amelia asked her again. Jade's been quiet since she saw their ID's and the twins have no idea why

'Maybe Aunt Jesy is right, we're ugly in our ID picture' Louis whispered 'It's not that Louis, I think something caught her attention' Amelia whispered back, they are clueless why the girl with brown orbs hasn't said a word since

" Louis? Amelia?" they heard their mother's voice and they soon saw her peeking her head to their bathroom door "what are you guys doin' here?" Perrie asked. As for Jade, she looks at Perrie and the latter saw what she's holding

"We need to talk" Jade said, she then went out of the bathroom and the twins followed her "Thank you for the wonderful evening little ones, I really had a good time" Jade give Louis and Amelia a kiss on their forehead. She tucks Amelia first then carries Louis towards his room. She did the same and says her good night

"When are we going to see you again, Ms. Jaytee?" Louis asked, Perrie is watching through the door. Jade went back to his bed and sit on it "I'll try to be here on the weekend but if not, I'll see to it that we'll see each other next week"

"Okay, be careful driving. Good night" Jade gives him one last kiss and look at Perrie. She went back to Amelia who is now asleep and gives her also another good night kiss.


I wen out of my kids room first and Jade followed me, she said she wanted to talk to me and I think I know what she's going to ask

"Perrie" she called me. I turn around and face her; I can tell that she's thinking that they are hers

"They are not yours, Jade" I said to her and continue on walking "They have my name, how on earth you'll explain that?"

"You're not the only one with that name and you know that!" I didn't stop from walking until we reach the kitchen and find the four talking and eating some pizzas

"So you married someone else? Where is he then?"

"We're separated but we're talking about his visitation rights with the kids" I opens the fridge and I know in the back of my mind, Jesy will ask me question

"Wait a minute, Pez" and I was right "You didn't tell us that you're married once" I look at them and they are all looking back at me

"It's a long story Jes. I'll tell you some other time" I took a glass and pour some water and leave them when Jade stopped me

"I know they are mine, Perrie. You can't lie to me" I remove her hand on my arm and look straight into her eyes "Believe all you want Jade but I'm telling you the truth. I married someone who I thought we'll be there for me and my kids like what you've promised but maybe I'm not that lucky when it comes to true love"

"If you give me time to explain things, you'll know what happened to me!" she answered but I'm really tired tonight and all I want is to go to bed and cry "Like what I said earlier, I don't give a fucking care!" and left them without looking back


We said our goodbye to Jesy and Jayson and we're now inside Leigh-anne's car. I haven't said a word since we left Perrie's house and it's obvious that they notice it

"What's wrong, love?" Leigh-anne asked me and even if I planned to not tell them what I saw, she will know that I'm hiding something from them "I ah f-found out something" I answered

"What is it? Is everything okay?" Jake asked me this time, I shook my head as he look at me through the rear-view mirror "I saw Louis and Amelia's ID's and.. and they are using my name"

I saw the two of them look at each other then Leigh-anne look back at me

"You're thinking they are yours?" she asked me "I don't know Leigh! I can't even tell if they are mine. I'm not sure though I felt this tight connection on them"

"Then maybe they are really yours"

"What if it's not?" Leigh sighs still looking at me "Will it matter Jade? Will it bother you a lot if you found out that they are not yours?"

"Leigh-anne" she just smiled at me "If you still love Perrie like you used to, you'll accept her 100%. You will treat those little ones like they are yours even if it's not"

"She's right Jade. You need to figure it out first. Figure out the feelings you still have with Perrie and her twins" Jake said to me "You don't need legal papers to prove they are yours. Just listen and follow your heart this time and maybe you can find a way back to her heart again"

I let out a small smile at them and look out the window. They are both right, I don't care if they are not mine but I'll do anything to win Perrie back and start a family that I once planned having it with her

"I know what to do next but I need a lot of help from you guys" I answered "Oh you can always count on us, Jadey! I'll give Jesy and Jayson a call" Leigh-anne said, me and Jake laughs at her and I look back outside

Brace yourself Perrie Edwards, I won't let you slip out of my life again. You'll see a different Jade when we see each other again.

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