The moment of Truth part 1

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The night is calm as the wind blows silently, you can only hear the sound of the waves crashing to the shore. As for Jade and Perrie, this will be the moment of truth for the ex-couple. Since an unknown man claims to be the father of her twins, the blonde girl can't even look at her ex-girlfriend's eyes.

"Perrie?" he said once more when he notices that she's been staring at him for quite some time "I uh..." Perrie answered, she doesn't even know what to say.

The mystery guy then walks towards her and walk pass by Jade who is controlling her temper when she saw that the man holds Perrie's hand "I need to talk to you about something." He said and the blonde girl just nods her head. She then looks at Jade who is waiting for her to say something.

"C-can you please give us some time to talk?" she asked the mystery guy who look at Jade first then to Perrie "Okay, if you say so." And he went back to Jayson's side.

Perrie opens her mouth to start to say something but no words came out. She keeps on fidgeting her fingers and doesn't know where to start. The blonde girl was about to ask again when Jade speak up "They are not mine, right?"

"Jade I---"

"Just tell me the truth!"

"Jade... I'm sorry." Perrie answered.

"Sorry? That's all you can say?! Sorry?!" as she started to walk-away, Perrie run after the girl and grab her arms to stop her from walking.

"Please listen to me first." Perrie begs "Whatever you want to say, keep it. I don't want to hear anything from you!" as Jade continues to walk-away.

The blonde girl didn't follow Jade and just looking at her slowly fading away from her sight, she broke down and kneel on the sand, her twins and Jayson run towards her.

"Mom..." Amelia said with tears in her eyes. Perrie then looks to both of them, she pulls the twins and hug them tight "I'm sorry for keeping everything from you two." She said.


Hours passes by and Jayson decided to look for Jade. Amelia and Louise are with their mother and also that mystery guy. He looks for Jade and after 20 minutes of walking, he found her sitting on a dead tree, crying and looking at the sea.

Though he's still clueless on what's happening, who is that guy and how Jade didn't turn out to be the twins second mother, there are lots of question but Perrie is the only one who can explain all of these things. He already called Jesy and Leigh-anne and the two are on their way there now.

"Hey Jade." Jayson said, the brown haired girl didn't look at him and continue on looking at the sea "Louise and Amelia are looking for you." He added.

"Tell them I already left." She answered "Don't be like that, Jade. My sister hasn't explained everything to us so please keep your hopes up."

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