Feelings (Last Part)

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9 years ago

Jade went to her cousin's house, a couple of miles from theirs and go straight to her room without greeting Mr. and Mrs. Pinnock who are saying good morning to her. There were tears in her eyes and a lot of things going on in her mind that moment. She went inside Leigh-anne's room without bothering to knock on the door.

Before she went there, she drops by at Perrie's house to talk to the blonde but her sister didn't allow her to go in or see her.

"I need your help Leigh." She said when she saw her cousin combing her hair and sitting in front of a mirror, the latter notice the tears on her eyes and the worried look on her face "Hey what happened? Are you alright?" she asked and motion for Jade to sit on the bed.

She shook her head and look at her "I went to see Perrie." She said "And?"

Jade swallow a lump on her throat first then look down "Jesy is so mad at me! She almost punches me, I was lucky that Jayson is there to stop her."

Leigh-anne didn't say anything, she understands why Jesy acted that way "She told me that she doesn't want to see me again or get near her sister ever! Leigh, I know I'm wrong. I know that the decisions I made is fucking wrong but I didn't mean to do it."

Jade cries her heart out as her cousin hugs her tight "I don't want to lose her Leigh-anne, I love her so damn much." Jade said in between sob "Please tell me what to do, please."

Leigh sighs as she doesn't know what to do also, to be honest; she knows something that Jade or Perrie's siblings don't know. Her mind is battling right now whether to inform Jade about it or not because it can make things worse. Jade broke the hug when she realizes Leigh hasn't said anything since she started to talk.

"Leigh?" she calls her name "Huh?" Leigh-anne asked.

"Please help me; please tell me what I needed to do." Jade answered "I ah.. I don't know Jadey. Perrie is hurting right now, same goes with her siblings and even if I'll try to talk to them, you know I won't win against Jesy."

"But can you please still try? Maybe Jesy will listen to you." Leigh-anne just look at her cousin and didn't say anything "Please Leigh, please."

She sighs and nods he head at her. Its been3 weeks since Jade went back to their house after living with Perrie. For the past three weeks, she saw the up's and downs of their relationship. Mr and Mrs. Thirlwall doesn't like Perrie for their daughter, reason? They like a rich and popular girl for Jade. Not like Perrie who manage to attend on that school because of the scholarship program.

They want their daughter to end her relationship with Perrie which leads for the both girls to decide to live together. Leigh-anne, Jesy and Jayson saw how Jade struggle living a simple life, not having money, living in a small house etc. They know that she's trying hard to fit in and adopt her current life status but they are not stupid not to know that she's having a hard time.

Also, the two girls starts to fight lot over little things until one day Jade decided to go back when her mother talk to her that she will disinherit her from their wealth. She's just a young girl and Leigh knows that her cousin will regret her decision and she's right.

"Come on, we still need to go to school to sign some papers for our graduation and I think Jesy will be there. I'll try to talk to her but don't get your hopes high."

"Y-yeah and thank you." Jade answered.

The two went to school and Leigh was right, they saw their friend Jesy talking to some of Perrie's classmates and saw some of them give the latter some papers. Leigh-anne pulls her cousin and when they are two steps away from Jesy, she told Jade to stay there while she talks to her. Bringing her cousin with her won't be a good idea for she knows Jesy a lot.

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