The Talk

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Here we are sitting on a sofa in the living room of my apartment. Before I went to the hotel, I kinda practiced the things I'm going to say to Perrie but damn this mouth of mine! It keeps on opening but there are no words coming out.

Perrie raised an eyebrow at me, I know she's waiting for me to say something because I'm the one who wants to have a talk with her but now I'm sitting here like a stupid girl whose tongue got cut out that's why she can't speak!

"I still have work you know. If you want to say something to me, say it Jade." Perrie said "Okay. I have a lot of things that I want to say to you but I just want to talk about Sasha and Keith." I finally said.

"What about them?" she asked and lean her back on the sofa "I want to know what's the real score between you and him. If you won't mind telling me."

"Why? Does it matter to you?" I shook my head a couple of times and it makes me dizzy "I just want to know for the sake of the kids"

"For the sake of the kids? Are you sure about that?"

"Come on Perrie! Just answer the question" She bit her lower lip and look straight at me "I like him and he likes me." This time it's my turn to raise my eyebrow at her.

"What?" she asked "Don't lie to me Pez" I answered.

"I'm not lying to you. Why would I lie to you?"

"Okay prove it to me that you like him and he likes you." Her mouth keeps on opening and closing like a fish that needs some air to breathe.

"W-well uh he said that I'm pretty and ah he likes to take me out to dinner" she said. I felt a pang of jealousy inside me but then remember what Keith told me "You're lying"

"I said I'm not lying. Everything I said is true! He even kissed me" I watch the reaction on her face and I think she regret what she just said "He kissed you? Where?" she pointed her cheek then smiles at me.

"Okay. Whatever you say Perrie. Would you like some water or tea?" I asked her "Tea please" she answered. I smiled at her sweetly and stand up from my chair. I walk towards the kitchen but look back at her and giggle.

"I don't think he kissed you because he likes you." I said then winks at her. As I put some water into the kettle, I remember what Keith told me about his relationship with my Perrie.


Keith is smiling at Jade from ear to ear; he knows that he caught Jade's off guard because of her reaction to his confession.

"I know you're jealous of me, Ms. Thirlwall" he said "Jealous? Pfft! You don't have any proof to prove that"

"I already did. At the restaurant, I have a feeling that if you could only kill me that time, you already did. I know the look on people's face when they are jealous of something."

"I said I'm not. I'm just concern about the kids. If you know, ah you're fit enough to be their father"

"Don't give me that bullshit, Jade" Keith said with a smile on his face "Pardon for my words but stop reacting like you're not affected by my presence. I love Perrie okay but not the way you're thinking."

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