Keith and Jade (Part 1)

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Perrie is busy preparing her kids meal that morning. She got up late again because she can't sleep last night. She keeps on thinking about Jade and Sasha though she doesn't want to admit that she's jealous. She places the plastic containers inside Amelia's and Louis's bag.

"Amelia! Louis! Come down now, I'm going to be late for work." Perrie shouted and place the bags on the table near the door. She saw the twins walking down the stairs and looks at her.

"Jaytee will be picking us up today right mommy?" Amelia asked her and when she heard her name, Perrie starts to feel irritated again, she then force a smile and looks at her daughter "I don't know sweetie, maybe she can't make it today because of some important reason."

"And what would that be?" Louis asked 'Maybe sleeping and spending the night with Sasha' if only Amelia and Louis can recognize the bitterness in Perrie's voice, one thing is for sure, they will think that their mother is jealous of Sasha.

"What did you say mommy?" Perrie looks at the two and smile again "Nothing. I mean maybe she's doing something important on her work so she can't come."

"Oh okay but do you think she'll be here tomorrow?"

"I don't want to give you false hope Louis. Now come on, Mommy is going to be late." The twin took their bags on the table and places it on their backs; Perrie grabs her keys on the counter and opens the door.

"Now you two wait for me at the car while I lock the door" Perrie said and the twins run towards the door. Perrie shut the door and lock but before she turns around, she heard Amelia's voice.

"Jaytee! Jaytee! You made it!" the blonde girl almost drop the keys she's holding and she slowly turns around "I made a promise didn't I? I thought I'm a little bit early to fetch you two" Jade said

"Well yeah but Mom needs to be early at work today because she have a meeting" Louis answered, Jade then look at Perrie coming their way.

"Look mom! Jaytee's here!" Amelia said, Perrie smiles and trying not to look at Jade

"Yeah I can see that. So, are you taking them to school?" Perrie asked still not looking at her and Jade notice it "Yeah, if it's fine with you." She answered

"It's fine. Just text me when you're at school" Jade nods but rolled her eyes because Perrie is not looking at her "Yes, I will." She saw Perrie kneel down and kiss her twins on the forehead.

"Be good okay. I'll see you both later." The twins smiled at her and run towards Jade's car, Louis opens the door and let her twin sister went in first. Their mother waves her hand at them and this time her eyes landed on Jade.

"Thanks for keeping your promise." Perrie said "A promise is a promise. Drive slowly" Jade answered and went to the driver seat. Perrie watch the car slowly moves as her twins saying bye-bye to her. She sighs and went to her own car and unlocks it. She stares at the steering wheel for a while when her phone vibrated.

She looks at the message and it comes from Jesy.

Sorry my dear sister but I can fetch them later. I need to talk to a very important client today.

Perrie sighs again and ignores the message. She won't let Jesy knows that Jade shows up and drive her twins to school 'I don't want to start my day with Jesy asking me some annoying questions again' she whispered. Perrie then turns on the engine and drives off.

Jade and the twins arrived at the school 30 minutes before their class starts. She doesn't want to leave them there so she took them to the nearest coffee shop in the block. Though Amelia and Louis already ate their breakfast, the twins ordered a cup of hot choco and croissants.

"We thought you're not going to show up, Jaytee." Louis said in between eating and sipping his hot choco "Why is that?"Jade asked while finding it cute watching the two eat.

"We thought that you and mom had a fight yesterday. She looks pissed and keeps on mumbling something while we're in the cab" Amelia explains. Jade wanted to laugh but stops herself from doing it. She knows to herself that she piss her off and she did the same thing with her.

"We're not fighting okay. Let's say that we had a misunderstanding and I'll explain it to you both when you're at the right age." Amelia and Louis shrug their shoulders and continue eating their croissant and Jade is bothered about something when she remembers Keith.

She wants to know if Keith spend the night at their house and sleep beside Perrie and with a blink of an eye, Jade loses her appetite.

Oh come now Jade! How on earth are you going to ask them if Keith spend the night with them?! – She asked herself. She sighs but Amelia notice it.

"Uncle Keith didn't spend the night with us, don't worry" she said, Jade opens her mouth but no words came out "We're finish Jaytee, we can go now." Amelia added.

Jade watch the twins enter the gate and wave their hands at her. They waited inside the car after they ate, Jade was about to leave the area when her phone rings.

"Yes Jesy what do you want?" Jade asked, Jesy on the other line laughs at her and Jade rolled her eyes

'Wow! What a way to say good morning Jesy!'

"Well good morning Jesy! Now, what do you want?!" Jesy is still laughing on the other line because of the way Jade is talking to her

'Nothing actually but I'm here with Leigh-anne in her office.'


'I'm just letting you know, Jade. In-case you want to talk about what happened yesterday?' Jade knows that Jesy is smiling from ear to ear based on her tone.

"There's nothing to talk about, besides I have a meeting today with my client's son at 9"

"Oh okay then, I'll see you when I see you." Jade ended the call and throws her phone at the passenger seat but she takes it back when she remembers that she needs to send a text message to Perrie.

She keeps on punching in some words but deleting it afterwards. She's been like that for almost 5 minutes until she composes a text and sent it to Perrie.

At school

'Wow Jade! I must congratulate you for that brilliant text message!' she sarcastically tells herself, she throws her phone again and speeds off.

"Stupid Jade! Stupid Keith Simmons!" she's going to 75 mph when without a warning she steps on her gas, lucky for her that there's no car following her from behind. She parks her car on the side and pushes the hazard switch.

She quickly look through her notes in her phone, her scheduled meeting for that day then she almost curse and for the third time throws her phone on the passenger seat.

"Of all the people, why it has to be Keith Simmons?!" she asked

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