Mine or not

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Jade decides to take the twins back to her office until she figures out what she'll do with them though the name Perrie Edwards is stuck in her mind

They are Perrie's twins?! She's married?! To whom?! Are they mine?!

She stole glances again from the twins sitting on her couch; Louis is busy playing with his phone while Amelia is reading some children's book

7 years old? They don't look 7 to me. The way they think and act, Perrie is so lucky to have them

In a while, Jade reminisce her past with her, the first time she saw her walking in their campus until the time she smiled back to her

"Miss Jaytee?" Jade heard Louis called her and making her back to reality

"Yes?" she asked

"Where's Ms. Leigh-anne? We really need to talk to her.."

"Oh she said she'll be late for an hour or so, she's on a meeting with our client.."

"Oh okay. Is she your sister?"

"Yes she is. I'm her younger sister." She answered and smiled

"Then you know Ms. Jade Thirlwall?" Amelia asked her, excitement in her voice; though Jade doesn't want to lie to the twins, there's nothing she can do about that for now

"I heard her name but I never met her.." She answered

"Oh okay. I guess Ms. Leigh-anne will be our only way to find Ms. Thirlwall"

"Sorry guys but I'll promise to help you with all I can.." the twins looks at each other for a moment, Jade felt a little uneasy, she hopes that the twins will believe her

They are smart, I wonder if i will get through this

"Okay Miss and thanks.." Louis answered, I look at my phone and I saw Jayson's number

Will I call him or I'll drop them off at their house

Her thoughts is battling, she wants to see her, to see Perrie again but she's afraid that the latter won't be happy to see her with her twins

And what will you say to her idiot? Hi Perrie! Nice to see you again! How are you?

"Fuck!" she blurted out, the twins heard what she said

"That's a bad word.." Amelia said

"Sorry about that.." she answered

"Is there something wrong Ms. Jaytee?.."

"No Louis, Everything's fine. Uhm I'll drive you guys back home okay but I'll make sure Leigh-anne will contact you after her meeting.."

"Really? You'll do that?" Amelia asked


"Yehey! Thank you Miss!" Jade smiled at the two

"It's nothing. So grab your things now, we will go to the mall then I'll take you home later.." she said

Renaissance Hotel

"I hope you will do your best on this upcoming birthday bash, Mr. Sanders trust you a lot on this one.." Mr. Hanato told his trustworthy employee/manager Perrie Edwards

"Don't worry sir, I'll make sure that Mr. Sanders won't forget his birthday this year.." she answered

"I know that Ms. Edwards that's why I'm lucky enough to have someone like you in my hotel.."

"Thank you sir.."

"Good, so I'll leave you guys behind, I have things to do in my office.."

"Okay sir, have a good day!" Perrie smiled at him and waited for Mr. Hanato to leave the conference room

"Okay Kathy, I need you to gather everyone for a meeting later"

"Okay Pez, oh by the way, there's a phone call for you, the lady say it's urgent.." she said

"Okay Kath, thanks.." she answered, she walk towards her office and picks up her phone

"Ms. Edwards speaking.." she said

"Oh Ms. Edwards, this is Mrs. Anderson from Seaside Shore Elementary school.."

"Oh hi Mrs. Anderson, good to hear from you again.."

"Same here Ms. Edwards but I think we have some problem here.."

"Huh? What?"

"We can't seem to find your twins but the bus driver said that they rode the bus and he drop them off here. I was checking every class when their teacher mentioned that your twins didn't attend their class and I find it odd because you will always call me in-case they won't attend class.."

"What?! Did you look for them?"

"Yes we did but they are not here"

Oh my god! Louis! Amelia!

"Okay Mrs. Anderson, I'm on my way there!" Perrie ended the call and dials her sister's number hoping that Louis and Amelia is with her

At the Mall

"This is not good Amelia!" Louis told her little sister when Jade told them that they will treat them to the mall

"Why? Ms. Jaytee seem nice.." she answered

"Yeah she is but I can sense that mom knows we skipped class"

"How can you be so sure she knows?"

"You remembered what Aunt Jesy told us that mom has some kind of machine inside her body.."

"Oh Louis! Don't believe in anything she says! Aunt Jesy just don't want us to go back here!" she answered then Jade stops for a while and look at the two

"What's the matter?" she asked them

"Oh nothing, my brother is kinda worried that mom will find out we skipped class today.." Amelia explained

"Don't worry, I will explain it to your mom.." Jade said and realized what she just said

Man! Wrong move Jade! You will explain it to their mom?! I don't think so!!

"Uhm yes, so don't worry okay.." Jade held the twins, same position, Louis's on the right while Amelia is on her left. The three walk around the mall, window shopping, Jade wanted to buy stuffs for them but it will make things worse if their Mother will saw shopping bags with them

4 hours later

"I'm tired.." Louis said as he slump his body on the bench

"Me too, Ms. Jaytee, can we rest for a while?" Amelia asked her

"Sure kiddos, stay here while I buy some water for us.." she said, the two nodded and rest their heads on the bench for a while, Jade on the other hand keep on looking at the two then when she came back they are already asleep, she sits in between them and place their heads on her lap

'It's really fun to have kids like these two' she whispered, she was lost in her thoughts and not aware of her surroundings when she heard a voice

"Jade?!" Jesy said

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