Chapter 2

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Avi slowly and quietly gets off his bed and tip toes over and turns out the bedroom light. He slips up to the window and peeks out.

The only light that was on downstairs was in the back of the house, maybe a bedroom. There were several lights on upstairs.

He could hear voices but they were too muffled to understand what was being said.

He lets go of a shaky breath that he had been holding. He checks to make sure the window is locked before quietly walking back over to his bed to lie down.

He grabs his extra pillow and covers his head to keep out any sounds until he can fall asleep.

Before he knew it, his alarm begins to ring loudly from his night stand. He shuts off the alarm and rubs his tired eyes.

Thoughts of last night play through his mind.

"I gotta find those nerds." He jumps up and runs to the bathroom to get ready. A quick shower, dressed and out the door in twenty-five minutes was a record for him.

He pulls up into the parking lot of the campus and jumps out of the car. He ran down the hall of one of the buildings like a madman. His eyes darting around, looking for one of the four nerds that had talked to him yesterday.

He sees Kirstie standing in the hall talking to a few of her friends. He grabs her by the arm.

She squeals and looks at him in fear.

He stops to try to catch his breath. "Find the others..... Meet me outside by the tree."

She nods, turning quickly and begins to run down the hall with her cell phone in her hand.

Avi goes outside and sits down by the tree they were at yesterday. Leaning his head back against the tree, he closes his eyes and tries to calm his breathing.

"Avi?" "Hey Dude, what's up?" "What happened, man?" "Who got killed?"

The four friends sat down on the grass in front of Avi, staring at him impatiently.

"I heard a scream last night." He says quietly.


"Would you please lower your voices?!" Avi says as he glances around.

"Alright. Tell us everything that happened." Scott says eagerly.

"First, when I went to the mailbox to get my mail, I felt as though someone was watching me. I looked at one of the windows upstairs and one of the curtains was pulled back as if someone was peeking out. When they saw me looking they closed the curtain." Avi says.

"That's creepy as heck." Mitch says with wide eyes.

"Right before I went to bed, I heard a man scream." Avi says as he looks down at the ground.

"A man? Are you sure?" Kirstie asks.

"Positive. It was a man. Then he screamed something about keeping Mr. Biggles away from him. And then I heard someone else laugh." Avi says as he looks into the frighten faces of his new friends.

"Biggles?" Kevin asks. "I've never heard of anyone in this town with that name. Have ya'll?"

"No." The trio answers in unison.

"There was some talking but it was to muffled to understand what was said." Avi says.

"Good lord, I would have been scared shitless." Mitch says, shaking his head.

"It was pretty unnerving." Avi says with a sigh.

"Avi, you have to get inside that house." Kirstie says.

"Are you freaking nuts? No way." Avi says, shaking his head.

"Someone may need help." Kevin adds.

"Well." Avi huffs. "They can get it from somewhere else. Hadn't you guys seen the movie 'Texas Chainsaw Massacre'? You just don't go into creepy houses."

"Just go up to the house and knock on the door. Just be neighborly." Scott says.

"No, I won't do it." Avi says shaking his head.

"Tell them your cat is missing and you were just wondering if they had seen it." Mitch suggests.

"I don't have a cat." Avi says.

"They don't know that." Mitch says, rolling his eyes.

"I dare you. Just go knock on the door." Scott says.

Avi looks at Scott with raised brows. Gosh, he hates dares. For some unknown reason he could never turn them down.

Avi decides to just skip classes and go home. He wasn't in the mood to listen to some long drawn out boring lecture from his professor, who managed to speak with the most irritating monotone voice ever.

He drives up into his drive-way and turns off his car. He nervously eyes the house next door.

He could easily hear the TV blaring from the living room. He finds himself smiling as he hears Steve Harvey's voice of 'Family Feud' and someone inside the house shouting out answers. 

He glances around in time to see the mail truck delivering the mail to their boxes. He smiles again as an idea enters his mind.

"Bingo." He mumbles to himself.

The mail truck drives away and Avi watches the house for a few minutes to make sure no one comes out for the mail.

Thinking it might be safe, he slowly gets out of his car, carefully closing the door.

He walks up to the mailboxes. His heart beats hard in his chest as he opens his box to get the mail. He quickly opens his neighbor's box, grabbing a letter and mixing it with his mail then closing their box.

He fumbles with his door key trying to unlock the door. Stepping inside his house, he slams the door and locks it. 

He falls against his door, sliding down to the floor.

"I do believe that stealing someone's mail is illegal." He mumbles to himself, wiping the sweat from his forehead.

He thumbs through the mail until he finds the stolen letter. It looks to be an electric bill.

"Rupp? Christopher Rupp?" He reads. "I thought it was Biggles."

He throws his mail on the coffee table and takes a deep breath.

"Here we go. Don't screw up, Avi." He says as he walks out of his house with the letter in his hand.

He tries to steady his breath as he walks up the sidewalk leading to the creepy house.

His heart was beating hard and his legs were wobbly as he climbs the steps of the porch.

He stops in front of the door and mindlessly pulls at some of the peeling white paint. He slowly raises his hand and knocks.

He quickly looks around at his house. The thought of running was interrupted by the creaking of the front door slowly opening.



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