Chapter 41

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***  !!! WARNING: SMUT !!!


Tim wraps his arms around Chris's neck. Chris stands up, lifting Tim from his chair.

"Hold on." Chris says softly as he unfastens Tim pants and pulls them down. He sits Tim down on the bed and finishes taking off his pants.

As he (Chris) stands up, Tim smiles as he catches hold of the waistband of Chris's jeans and pulls him toward him. He bites his bottom lip as he begins to unsnap and unzip his fiance's jeans.

Chris rubs Tim on the back of the head and smiles as Tim successfully pulls down his jeans and boxers with one quick yank.

Chris moans softly as Tim kisses the tip of his quick hardening member.

Tim licks his lips as he reaches between his lover's legs, taking his nuts in his hand and gently squeezes them.

Chris's knees almost buckle as he feels his prick being licked by Tim's hot, moist tongue.

"Oh my, God, Baby." Chris moans, grabbing Tim by the hair and thrusting his hips forward, wanting Tim to stop the teasing and take his throbbing prick into his mouth.

"Impatient are we?" Tim asks softly with a raised brow.

"You're driving me crazy, Babe." Chris says with heavy breathing.

Tim opens his mouth and begins to take Chris's prick in.

"Holy sh*t." Chris groans as Tim began to work his magic. "D*mn." He moans as Tim begins to hum. The low vibrations of his voice were almost sending Chris over the edge.

Tim pulls Chris's length out of his mouth and licks the pre-cum that was dripping from the slit.

Chris turns to grab the lube and a condom from the drawer but is stopped by his lover.

"No. No condom, no lube. I want it raw, skin on skin." Tim smirks.

"Sweetie, you sure?" Chris asks, even though they have done it a lot he was still worried about hurting Tim.

"Positive." Tim answers as he pulls himself further onto the bed.

Chris removes Tim's boxers and then reaches for the large overstuffed pillow that he uses to put under Tim's hips to raise him up for easier access.

"Back or stomach?" Chris asks.

"Stomach." Tim answers.

Chris lays the large pillow on the bed then helps Tim roll over onto the pillow. Adjusting the pillow under his hips to the right height.

Spreading Tim's legs apart, Chris gets on his knees between them. His licks his finger and circles the entrance.

"Oh, God." Tim moans as he bury's his face into his pillow. The feeling of his fiance's tender touch was like electricity going through his body. His breathing quickens as he feels Chris line the head of his prick up and slowly begins to push in.

"Sh*t, that feels good." Chris groans once he had pushed all the way in. "You alright?"

Tim nods as he tries to relax. He doesn't know why he loves sex this way because it hurts way more than with a condom and lube, but he does. It's kinky and so exciting. It's great once he gets used to it.

"Let me know when you're ready." Chris says rubbing his lover gently on the back.

"You can go." Tim says, gripping his pillow with both hands.

Chris begins at a slow pace to give Tim time to adjust to the feeling.

Once again, Tim buries his face into his pillow to muffle his scream as Chris hits his prostate. Chris always knew what to do to send him to oblivion.

"Faster, Chris." Tim moans loudly.

And that he did, soon he was slamming into his lover like a mad man.

He suddenly pulls out, leaving Tim with a painful, empty feeling that only causes he to want more.

"NO! Don't ... Don't!" Tim shakes his head, trying to form a sentence but can't.

Chris grabs him by the hip and roughly rolls him over, lifting one of his legs over his shoulder. He quickly re-enters and starts to pump inside of Tim even harder.

"SON OF A .....!!" Tim screams before biting down on his hand to silence his scream.

"That feel good, Baby?" Chris asks with heavy breathing as he rams into Tim's prostate.

Tim wanted, so bad, to meet Chris's thrust with hard ones of his own but was helpless.

"CHRIS!" Tim screams, grabbing onto his lover's muscular arms and arching his back. 

"I take that as a 'Yes'." Chris smiles as he reaches for Tim's throbbing prick. He rubs his thumb over the tip, wiping the pre-cum onto his thumb and then licking his thumb clean.

"Chris." Tim whimpers. He was still unable to form any more words. His lover had completely blown his mind. 

Chris wraps his fingers around Tim's cock and begins to pump him hard, meeting his on thrust.

"I .. I can't ...I can't hold it." Tim cries, tightening his grip on Chris's arms.

"Cum for me, Sweetie. Let it go." Chris orders as he continues to jack Tim off.

Tim screams, throwing his head back and arching his back as the hot creamy substance coats Chris's hand.

"D*mn, that's beautiful." Chris whispers as he watches his lover release.

A couple more thrust was all it took and Chris releases inside Tim with a loud grunt.

Tim gasps as he feels the hot cum empty inside him. He moans softly as he feels Chris's prick jerk as it releases.

"Holy cow." Chris groans as he pulls out and lowers Tim's leg. "That was amazing."

"I .. I can't even talk." Tim chuckles softly out of breath as Chris wipes them clean and then lays down beside him. 

"I love you so much, Angel." Chris says, kissing Tim on the forehead and pulling him into his arms.

"I love you too." Tim whispers, his voice breaking with emotion.

Chris raises Tim's face up so that he can give his a very tender kiss.

"You know, you're going to be the death of me, right?" Chris laughs.

"Well, at least I hope you die a happy man." Tim smiles.

"Aww, Babydoll, you make me very happy." Chris chuckles, pull Tim close.

Suddenly a loud banging on their door startles both of them.

"ARE Y'ALL ABOUT DONE SO WE CAN GET SOME SLEEP??!!" Austin yells through the door.



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