Chapter 33

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Before leaving the house, Zak calls a friend of his who is a physic medium. He wanted her to walk through the house to see if she felt anything. Just to be sure that all the spirits were gone and that the guys could move back home. And live in peace.

Chris was trying to stop Tim's head from bleeding while Tim frantically scrubs his arms and hands with disinfectant wipes.

Adam leans against Avi as he holds an ice pack to his jaw.

Chance was busy putting antibiotic ointment on the scratches on Austin's back.

The front door opens slowly and Rob peeks in. He looks around the living room, seeing no one. Hearing voices in the kitchen, he tiptoes in that direction. He walks in, surveying the wounded sitting at the kitchen table.

"Who won?" He asks as he straightens his glasses.

"I'm hoping we did." Chris says as he finishes putting a bandage on Tim's head.

"It was crazy." Chance says shaking his head. "It was like, we didn't know who was getting to get attacked next."

"Yeah, first Austin got scratched then Adam was punched in the face and then the freaking dresser came flying at Tim and Chris. All the time, Zak was screaming to the top of his voice. It was wild." Avi says.

"Well, I can't say that I'm sorry I missed it." Rob says as he checks Austin's back. "So have the investigators left?"

"No. They're upstairs now with a physic medium. She's seeing if she feels anything." Chris says as he checks out the bite on Tim's shoulder.

"Tim? You alright? You're awfully quiet. You're usually the voicey one." Rob says.

"Well, Okay?" Tim starts as he runs a hand through his hair. "You want voicey? First I was bitten by something that wasn't there. Austin was scratched by something that wasn't there. Adam was almost knocked to the floor by something that wasn't there. Oh, and let's not forget the d*mn dresser being picked up by something that wasn't there and thrown at me and my boyfriend. So forgive me if I'm not very talkative. I may be just a little shaken up. So how was your day?"

"That's our Tim." Rob chuckles.

"I'm sorry, Rob." Tim says as he steadies his breath. "It's just been really stressful. And I am so tired."

"You don't have to apologize, Buddy." Rob smiles and rubs Tim on the back of the head.

Zak, Aaron and the physic came down the stairs.

"Well, guys, I guess that's it." Zak says rubbing his hands together.

"Is it clear?" Chris asks.

"I don't feel or sense a thing here, Mr. Rupp. The energy is very calm and relaxing." The physic smiles. "Whatever was here, is gone."

"Thank you, guys, so much." Chris says shaking Zak and Aaron's hands.

"It was a pleasure meeting you all. We're heading home to Vegas. If you ever need us, just give us a call." Zak says.

"No offense but I hope we don't need you." Austin chuckles lightly.

"I agree." Adam smiles.

After saying their goodbyes, Zak and his team departed.

The guys sat around the table in silence, just listening for anything out of the ordinary.

"Well, all seems quiet." Chris says breaking the silence. "What do yall want to do?"

"Can we stay in the hotel tonight?" Tim asks. "I'm still a little on edge."

"Yeah, maybe if we come back in the morning and stay in here during the daylight it'll seem like home again." Adam says.

"That's fine. Does everyone agree?" Chris asks and received several nods.

"Okay, let's go back to the room and get some rest. It's been a rough day." Chris says as he starts to push Tim's chair to the front door.

"For real, though." Tim chuckles. "I've had enough excitement for the day."

As they arrive back to the hotel, Rob, Chance and Austin go to their adjoining room. Chris helps Tim get ready for bed.

"Are y'all excited about going back home?" Adam asks as he snuggles up to Avi.

"I am." Chris answers. "I'm tired of living out of a suitcase."

"I'll be glad to sleep in our old bed again. And have privacy again." Tim says then quickly looks over at Avi and Adam. "No offense."

"None taken." Avi chuckles.

"It has been awhile hasn't it." Chris smiles as he tenderly kisses his lover.

"Too long." Tim whispers as Chris pulls him closer, deepening the kiss.

"Uh, Guys? We're not back home yet." Adam says.

"But I'm horny." Chris laughs.

"Oh my God." Tim laughs covering his quickly reddening face.

"Dang, Chris." Avi chuckles loudly.

"Guys, the walls are really thin. We can hear you." Rob says from the other room.

"Yeah, Chris." Chance speaks up. "Keep it in your boxers and go to sleep."

"Geez." Tim moans, throwing the blanket over his head.


"Well, this is it." Chris says as he slides the key into the door.

"I'm a little nervous." Austin says, hanging onto Adam's hand tightly. Chance and Rob had to work. So Austin hung onto Adam for comfort since Chance was not there.

Chris opens the front door but no one enters.

"Adam, do you sense anything?" Tim asks as he peeks cautiously into the house.

"No. Everything seems normal." Adam answers.

"Okay, Y'all. We're being ridiculous." Chris chuckles as he starts to push Tim's chair inside but is quickly stopped by Tim.

"Oh, Hell no. I'm not going in first." Tim says, shaking his head as he grabs onto the wheels of his chair.

"Alright. Then I will." Chris says as he steps around Tim and walks into the entrance hall.

"Chris!" Tim calls out nervously. "Oh , Lord." He whispers to himself as he slowly rolls into the house to follow his boyfriend.

The others follow in behind him.

The morning sun was shining brightly through the windows.

"It looks alright." Avi says as they walk into the living room.

"Everything is bright and peaceful." Adam says.

"We definitely have a lot of cleaning up to do in our bedroom." Chris says as he comes out of the room. 

"Adam, I hate to ask. But would you mind going to mine and Chris's bedroom to see if you feel anything?" Tim asks.

Adam looks nervously around at Avi.

"I'll go with you." Avi smiles, taking him by the hand.

The room was a total disaster. Blankets were thrown around, broken lamp and clothes that had fallen out of the thrown, now broken, dresser. 

Other than the mess, the room was normal. The sunshine coming through the window gave the room a peaceful feeling.

Adam and Avi walk out of the room with smiles on their faces.

"There's nothing in there, Tim. Except for a mess." Adam smiles as Tim lets go of the breath he was holding.

"Actually." Adam smiles as he looks around the living room. "It feels like home."



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