Chapter 50

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"Oh, my God, Chris. Would you look at this?" Tim says as he rolls his chair into the honeymoon suite.

"Wow! This is amazing." Chris says, looking around as he hands the bellboy a tip. 

"Enjoy your stay." The bellboy smiles as he closes the door as he's leaving.

"Look! Chocolates on the pillows. Are we allowed to eat them?" Tim smiles as he rolls over to the beautiful King size bed.

"Of course, you can eat them, Sweetheart. That's what they're there for." Chris chuckles as he leans over and kisses Tim on top of the head.

Chris reaches for one of the chocolates and unwraps it. He smiles as he holds it out for his husband.

Tim slowly leans over and takes it in his mouth. He reaches up catching Chris by the wrist as he begins to lick the chocolate from his fingers.

Chris lets go of a shaky breath as Tim begins to kiss and suck on his finger tips.

"Oh, sh*t, Baby." Chris moans as he grabs a hand full of Tim's hair. Pulling his lover's head back, Chris crashes his lips against his husband's.

Tim moans into the kiss as he starts to unfasten Chris's jeans. He reaches into his husband's pants and found exactly what he wanted.

Chris pulls away from the hungry kiss in order to pull his pants down to give Tim better access to his member. 

"Very inviting." Tim smirks as he gently strokes Chris's quickly rising erection.

Chris groans softly as Tim leans forward and licks the head of his prick. He removes his jacket and starts to fumble with unbuttoning his shirt. Tim's moist hot tongue sliding up his shaft was making it hard to concentrate on what he was trying to do.

"D*mn, Baby. That feels so good." Chris moans.

"Tell me how this feels." Tim says softly as he takes the throbbing shaft into his mouth.

"Like Heaven, Angel." Chris whispers as he wraps his fingers in Tim's hair and pushes his cock further into his husband's mouth. 

Tim reaches between Chris's legs, taking his nuts into his hand and gently squeezing them.

"Oh, God, that feels good, Babe." Chris breaths out and closed his eyes. Enjoying the feeling the man before him was sending up his spine. Tim always knew exactly what to do to please him.

Tim begins to pump Chris's length as he sucked. 

"Babe, let me .. help you get undressed.. so we can continue this .. in bed." Chris says through his heavy breathing.

Tim quickly removes the throbbing prick from his mouth and starts taking off his jacket.

"I want to feel that throbbing juicy piece of meat inside me." Tim says as he unbuttons his shirt as fast as he could.

"Sweetie, you're fixing to get your wish." Chris chuckles as he finishes taking off his clothes and then reaches down to help Tim into the bed.

Chris grabs their suitcase and quickly finds the lube a condom. After finishing getting Tim undressed, He stares down at the man who is now his husband.

"You're so beautiful." Chris whispers as he begins to leave soft kisses up Tim's legs, slowly making his way up to the crotch area. He spreads Tim's legs apart for better access.

Tim closes his eyes and smiles at the feeling of his husband's lips on his inner thighs and hums softly.

"You like that?" Chris whispers as he runs his tongue over Tim's balls.

"Mhmm." Tim nods quickly as he begins to breathe rapidly.

"Well, if you liked that, you'll definitely like this." Chris teases as he runs his tongue over the head of Tim's erection.

Tim was unable to form words but managed to nod.

Chris quickly lubes two of his fingers and rubs one over Tim's entrance. As he begins to slide one finger in, he takes Tim's throbbing member into his mouth.

"OH! MY! GOD!" Tim shouts as he claws at the sheets beneath him. "CHRIS!!"

Chris begins to work his finger in and out as he bobs his head up and down on Tim's prick. He soon adds a second finger.

Tim moans loudly as he arches his back.

"Mmm, Baby, that tastes so good." Chris says softly as he licks the creamy precum from the slit of Tim's prick.

"You know what would be better?" Tim asks with a raised brow.

"What's that, Sweetie?" Chris smiles.

"Feeling you inside of me." Tim says softly with a smile.

Chris reaches for the condom without saying a word. He was aimed at giving his husband exactly what he wanted.

Slipping on the condom, he crawls up and hovers over the lust filled brown-eyed man. 

"I love you, Baby." Chris whispers as he kisses Tim passionately.

Tim groans into the kiss as Chris grinds their crotches together.

"Don't make me wait any longer. Please. I want you, Chris." Tim whispers into the kiss.

Chris reaches down and lines himself up and slowly begins to push inside Tim's entrance.

"Oh, God." Tim whimpers as he rolls his head to one side, giving Chris full access to his neck.

Chris leaves soft kisses along his husband's jawline until he reaches his neck. Kissing and biting until he hit Tim's sweet spot.

Tim gasps as he ran his hands down Chris's back, grasping his butt cheeks and squeezing them.

Chris begins to thrust at a smooth rhythm.

"You feel so good." Chris moans as he begins thrusting faster and harder.

"Give it to me. Harder." Tim groans. His body was aching for release but he wanted to make this feeling last as long as he could.

Chris could feel Tim's rock hard cock throbbing in between them. He knew that they were both nearing the edge.

Reaching down between them, he takes Tim's member in his hand and begins to jack it.

"Let it go, Baby. Cum for me." Chris says as he pumps the throbbing rod harder.

"AHHHHH!!" Tim screams out as the hot creamy substance spurts out on his stomach.

"That was beautiful." Chris groans as he feels himself nearing release. His body tenses up and he grunts loudly as he climaxes after a few more hard rams into his lover.

Tim squeezes hard onto Chris's biceps as he feels Chris's release. He would never get tired of feeling.

"I made a mess." Tim chuckles as he looks down at his stomach.

"I'll take care of it." Chris smiles as he slips his prick out of Tim and removes the used condom.

Tim thought Chris would get some tissues to clean him up. But instead, he leans down and licks the cum from Tim's stomach.

"There. All cleaned." Chris chuckles.

"Well, that was kinky." Tim smiles.

"You wanna take a nap before we check out the hotel?" Chris asks as he lays down beside his husband.

"Mhmm." Tim mumbles as he cuddles up to Chris, his eyes slowly closing.



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