Chapter 29

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Chance looks up as the bedroom door slowly opens. Chris peeks in.

"Is he alright?" Chris asks quietly.

"Shhh." Chance says as he motions him over.

Chris slowly walks over to the bed, smiling down at his sleeping lover.

"I think you need to be here holding him instead of me." Chance whispers. "But so help me, Chris, if you hurt him, I'll take him and we'll leave. Do you hear me?"

Chris could only nod. He knew that Chance would do whatever possible to protect his cousin.

Chance eases out from under his sleeping cousin, making sure he didn't wake him out. He gets up from the bed to let Chris lay down.

"The rest of us will probably go get something to eat. We'll bring y'all back something." Chance tells him before leaving the room.

Chris kisses Tim softly on the forehead and runs his fingers lightly through his hair.

About thirty minutes later, Tim slowly opens his eyes. The first thing he notices is the shirt. It was a different shirt from what Chance had on.

He slowly raises his head to see who was holding him.

"Chris." He whispers as he grabs Chris into a hug. "I'm so sorry." He begins to cry.

"No, Baby, you don't have anything to be sorry for." Chris says as he hugs Tim tightly. "I do. I was the one who started all this crap."

"I should have just let it go but instead I made worse by flirting with Peter." Tim sobbed. "Please forgive me."

"Only if you forgive me first." Chris says as he kisses Tim's forehead.

Tim nods as he pulls himself up so he could reach Chris's lips and kisses him passionately. 

"Forgiven." He whispers into the kiss.

Chris rolls them over so that he is hovering over Tim as they continue to kiss.

"Forgiven." Chris whispers as he begins to kiss along his lover's jaw. He begins to nibble and suck on Tim's neck when he hears voices in the other room. "D*mn it." He mumbles as he starts to raise up.

"Wait." Tim says grabbing him by his collar. "Just tell me that you still love me and that you're not getting tired me and my limitations."

"Tim, Baby. I love you so much. And please don't even think that I'm getting tired of you cause that will never happen. You are my life. Without you, I wouldn't exist." Chris says softly as he caresses Tim's cheek.

"That's what I needed to hear." Tim smiles. "Wait, I smell food."

Chris chuckles as he gets up from the bed and moves Tim's chair closer to the bed.

The door opens and Austin looks in.

"Hey, guys? We got ...woah, wait a minute." Austin says putting his hands on his small hips. "Y'all didn't have sex on my bed did you?"

"No, y'all came back too early." Tim smiles as Chris helps him over into his chair.

"Looks like to me that we came back just in time." Austin says, moving Tim's hair back to see the hickeys that Chris had left.

"How are you feeling?" Chance asks looking down at his cousin as he comes into the room.

"Much better. Everything is alright now." Tim smiles up at him. "Thanks."

"Anytime." Chance says reaching down to hug him. "Y'all hungry?"

"Starved." Tim says looking into the bag. "What'd you bring?"

"Chinese." Avi answers.

"I love Chinese food." Tim watches as Chris takes out the containers.

"Chris, have you called those ghost hunters yet?" Adam asks, sitting down at the foot of the bed.

"Not yet. I will after I eat." Chris answers. "Adam, I've been meaning to ask you, are you still seeing things?"

"Yeah." Adam answers quietly. "I just don't mention it. Like, when you guys were arguing, it was all dark and cloudy like a tornado was fixing to hit at any second."

Avi's phone begins to ring. An unlisted number shows up.

"Hello?" Avi answers giving the others a confused look.

"Hi, is this Avi?" A male voice asked.

"Yes, it is." Avi answers.

"Avi, this is Zak. Zak Bagan." The man says.

"Oh, hey. We were just about to call you." Avi smiles.

"Well, Peter called us and told us about your situation. He gave me your number, I hope you don't mind." Zak says.

"No, I don't mind." Avi says.

"Actually, we're fixing to board a flight to your town in just a few minutes. So I was wondering if you could text me the address to the house and maybe you guys could meet us there tomorrow?" Zak asks. 

"Ok, yeah. That's fine." Avi says. "Peter had given us your number so I'll send you the address right now."

"Alright then. See you guys tomorrow." Zak says before hanging up.

"Chris, I need you to text the address to Zak. We're supposed to meet them at the house tomorrow." Avi says as he slides his phone over to Chris.

"Is it weird for me to think that this is kinda exciting? I mean, since we now know the history." Tim smiles.

"You think that they would let us sit in on the investigation?" Austin asks.

"I don't know. They probably take this stuff pretty serious." Chris says. 

"Tim, what if they ask you to sit in that room by yourself, in the dark? Would you do it?" Austin smiles.

"Well, yeah. But only if I knew they were watching me with cameras." Tim nods.

"Honey, I don't know about that. Sounds pretty dangerous." Chris says taking Tim by the hand.

"They may ask you and Avi since you two are the ones that were touched." Chance says.

"At least it wasn't aggressive toward you like it was me." Chris says. 

"That's why I think it would be safe for me and Avi." Tim replies.

"But what if you start having one of your panic attacks?" Chris asks in a worried tone.

"Then you can be my knight in shining armor and come save me." Tim smirks as he lays his head over on Chris's shoulder.



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