Chapter 12

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"There ya go, Mr. Biggles." Austin says as he wraps bandages around the stuff toy's head.

He had just finished performing eye surgery on the toy. He 'd removed the old eyes and carefully glued in the new ones.

The bandages would hold the eyes in place until the glue was completely dried.

"In a couple of hours, I'll remove the bandages. We'll see what your new eyes look like." Austin says as he finishes up. "I think you are going to love them."

He smiles as he lays the bear gently down and pulls the blanket up around its shoulders. "Oh, yeah, I'm sure of it, Mr. Biggles. Tim and Adam are going to hate them."


Tim was going by the door just as someone knocked. He quickly reaches for a sanitizing wipe and wipes off the lock and door knob before unlocking the door and slowly opening it.

"Hi there." A tall black man with a friendly smile greets.

"Hello." Tim answers, smiling slightly.

"I'm Kevin, a friend of Avi's." Kevin says as he holds out his hand.

Tim eyes the man's hand and slightly shakes his head, pulling his hands closer to his body.

"I'm sorry." Kevin chuckles as he puts his hand back into his pocket. He remembered Avi describing his new friends and that the one in the wheelchair was OCD. "You must be Tim."

"How did you know my name?" Tim asks as he looks up at Kevin with furrowed brows.

"Avi told me about you guys." Kevin says. "Is he here?"

"Yeah." Tim answers but sits there as if he didn't know whether or not he was supposed to let Kevin in. "Uhhh, wait here, alright? I'll go get him."

Tim rolls into the living room where Avi and Adam were watching television.

"Avi? You have company." Tim says. "Someone named Kevin?"

"Kevin's here?" Avi asks as he starts to get up from the couch.

"Tim, you know that you're not supposed to be answering the door." Adam scolds. "You're going to get in trouble."

Tim only shrugs.

"If anyone asks? I answered the door." Avi smiles and pats Adam on the leg.

"Alright." Adam smiles up at Avi in a flirty sort of way.

Tim chuckles quietly and shakes his head.

Avi walks into the entrance hall to see Kevin waiting on the front porch.

"Hey, Kevin." Avi greets, opening the screen door. "You could have come in." *shaking hands*

"I don't think Tim was too sure of that." Kevin chuckles.

"So what's up?" Avi asks.

"Well, when we were here yesterday, I noticed that the tornado did a number on your car. So I was just going to see if you needed a ride to school?" Kevin says with a friendly smile.

"I really appreciate that but I'll probably sit out a few days. I got a mess to go through to see what else I can salvage." Avi says as he points toward his destroyed apartment.

"I understand, but hey, if you need me, you have my number." Kevin says as he turns to leave.

"Thanks, Kev." Avi says before closing the door.

Avi walks back into the living room and takes his seat beside Adam. Tim had moved in front of the window and was reading a book.

"What are you reading, Tim?" Avi asks.

"The Shining?" Tim looks up and smiles.

"The Shining? That's an awesome movie." Avi chuckles.

"I really like Stephen King." Tim nods and then goes back to reading.

"Well, surgery is done and Mr. Biggles is in recovery." Austin says as he skips into the room. "In a couple of hours, the bandages will come off and y'all can see his new eyes."

"Sorry, but not interested." Tim says as he continues to read.

"I'm telling on you, Tim." Austin gasps as he covers his mouth.

"For what? Not wanting to see your possessed toy?" Tim asks with furrowed brows.

"No. For reading without your glasses." Austin says.

"Oh." Tim shrugs and returns to his book. "I don't know where they are."

"You've lost your glasses again?" Adam laughs.

"I left them on the nightstand by the bed and now they're not there. So I don't know where they are." Tim says.

"Chris is going to get tired of having to buy you glasses all the time." Austin says smugly. "This makes, what? About the fourth pair now?"

Tim ignores him and continues reading.

"Well, I have to go check on Mr. Biggles." Austin says as he turns and runs up the steps with a mischievous smile on his face.

He runs into his bedroom closing the door behind him. He leans against the door and starts to laugh.

He walks over to the bed and slowly starts to remove the bandages.

"I think these are ready to come off. Besides, I have something to show you." He says with a smirk.

He moves his dresser away from the wall. He chuckles quietly as he takes down a piece of loose paneling and pulls out a box. He walks back over to the bed and sits down.

He smiles at his furry friend and reaches into the pocket of his jacket. "Look what I got."

He holds out his hand showing Mr. Biggles, Tim's glasses.

He giggles as he puts on the glasses. "Look at me. I'm Tim and I'm special." He says in a fake bass voice.

He squints as he looks around the room.

"Dang, those give me a headache." He says as he pulls off the glasses.

He opens the box and throws the glasses inside with three other pair.



*~* CHRIM *~*

*~* AVAM *~*

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