Chapter 17

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Tim sighs as he runs a hand through his hair.

"Ugh! Tim!" Adam scolds.

"Adam, I'm perfectly capable of brushing my own hair." Tim grumbles. "I've been doing it every since I've had hair.

"But it has to be perfect." Adam says as Tim rolls his eyes.

They were in Chris and Tim's bedroom getting ready for their double date. Adam didn't want Chris and Avi to see them until they got completely ready.

Chris and Avi had told them not to dress to fancy. They were planning on taking them to the amusement park that was located just outside of town. But they wouldn't tell Tim and Adam where they were going. They just told them that jeans and tee shirt would be fine.

Adam wore a dark blue v-neck tee shirt that snugged his muscular body and blue jeans. He wore his hair down with a dark blue bandanna tied pirate style around his head.

Tim wore a light gray tee shirt with the flag of Texas on the front, a black leather blazer and blue jeans.

"Do you have any idea where they're taking us?" Adam ask as he helps Tim put on his boots. It's kinda early in the day, dates are usually at night."

"Not a clue. I don't care where we go just as long as we get to go." Tim says pulling his pants leg down over his boots.

"Hey, you guys ready?" Chris asks as he taps lightly on the door.

Adam opens the door.

"Well, little brother." Chris chuckles as he eyes Adam. "Trying to impress Avi with your muscles."

"Think it'll work?" He smirks.

"Avi is definitely impressed." Avi smiles looking around Chris at Adam.

Chris walks into the room and stoops down by Tim's chair. "Hello there, Beautiful."

"Flattery will get you everywhere." Tim smiles.

"I definitely hope so." Chris says with a smirk. "You look gorgeous but don't you think you might get a little hot in that jacket?

"I don't want anybody to see my scars." Tim whispers. "It's a thin jacket, I'll be alright."

Chris smiles and gives him a soft kiss on the cheek.

As they come out of the bedroom, they see Chance and Rob standing in the living room, waiting on Austin to put on his shoes. 

"Where are y'all going? Adam asks.

"Video store." Chance answers.

"Movie night?" Chris smiles. "Sounds cool."

"Not just movie night but movie and pizza night." Austin smiles.


The van that Chris owns has a wheelchair lift. Tim rolls his chair onto the lift and it raises him up. He then rolls inside the van and locks his chair into place, located behind the front passenger seat.

"So where are we going?" Adam asks.

"It's a surprise." Chris smiles, looking at his little brother in the rearview mirror.

Adam huffs and rolls his eyes.

Avi chuckles as he reaches back and takes Adam by the hand and winks at him. "Relax, I know you're gonna love it."

"By the way, you're sexy in the snapback." Adam smiles as he reaches forward and tugs lightly on Avi's hair.

Tim sat quietly looking out the window. He doesn't get out that often and he was trying to take in all the scenery.

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