Chapter 21

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Austin started down the stairs with a game under his arm and met Adam and Avi coming up the steps.

"Hey, guys? Y'all wanna play a game of Pictionary?" He asks with a smile.

"Maybe later." Adam answers as he pulls Avi to his bedroom.

Austin sighs and continues down the stairs. He walks into the living room where Chris and Tim were sitting on the couch together. Cuddling and kissing passionately.

"Tim, y'all wanna play a game of Pictionary?" Austin asks.

"Uh, maybe...maybe in a little bit." Tim says as he looks around at Austin. Chris continuing to nibble on Tim's neck.

Austin turns and walks slowly up the stairs to his room. He throws the game in the corner and falls across his bed.

He wipes a tear as he thinks about the bonfire they had last night. The image of Mr. Biggles burning to ashes. Did he do the right thing? Mr. Biggles listened to him when he needed to talk to someone. But then, he never really tried to talk to anyone else because Mr. Biggles told him that they didn't care. He also told him to do mean things to Tim and Adam. Mr. Biggles also didn't like Chance and wanted him to do bad things to him too.

But Austin couldn't bring himself to do mean things to Chance. Because secretly he really liked Chance a lot.


The front door opens and Chance walks in and comes into the living room. Chris and Tim were still cuddled on the couch. Chris was kissing his lover repeatedly on all over his face causing him to chuckle.

"Don't let me interrupt." Chance smiles, getting their attention. "Where's everybody at?"

"Avi and Adam went up to Avi's room, probably making out." Tim chuckles. "And I think Austin might be in his room."

"Okay, I'll go see if Austin wants to watch a movie or something." Chance says with a smile. "I'm sure he feels like a fifth wheel with everyone making out."

"Sorry." Tim says giving his cousin his best sad puppy dog eyes.

"Continue." Chance laughs as he turns to go upstairs.


Avi and Adam lay snuggled together on the bed as they watch a movie.

Adam cuts his eyes around and watches Avi as he watches the movie.

Avi gets the feeling of being watched and turns his head to look at Adam, who quickly looks by to the movie.

Avi smirks as he looks back around at the television. Once again, Adam's eyes fix on Avi's handsome face. And once again, Avi quickly looks around and Adam looks back to the movie with a small smile on his face, knowing he had been caught.

Avi chuckles as he pushes Adam back on the bed and leans over him. "You think you were being pretty slick, didn't you."

"What." Adam giggles.

Avi's smile begins to fade as he begins to lean down. Softly kissing Adam's lips. It wasn't a long kiss but it was very tender and sweet.

He raises up and stares into Adam's blue eyes.

Adam let's go of a shaky breath and smiles. "That was nice." He says softly.

"Have you ever been kissed before?" Avi asks in a whisper.

Adam bites his bottom lip and shook his head no.

Avi leans back in and kisses him again. This time with a little more passion. Their lips moving in perfect sync.

Adam moans softly as he wraps his arms around Avi's neck, pulling him closer.

Avi breaks the kiss and moves to leaving light kisses along Adam's jaw and then to his neck. "I'm falling hard for you, Adam Rupp." Avi whispers near Adam's ear.


Austin hears a light tap on his door and quickly dries his eyes.

"Yeah?" He answers sadly.

Chance opens the door and peeks in. "Would you like some company?"

"Chance. Sure." Austin says sitting up. His face lighting up with a huge smile.

"Rough day?" Chance asks sitting down beside him on the bed.

Austin sighs and rolls his eyes.

"I just feel...." Austin shrugs. "I don't know, like maybe I'm intruding or something."

"I'm sure they don't mean to make you feel that way." Chance says, rubbing Austin on the back.

"I know." Austin says quietly. "Seem's like Chris is always kissing on Tim and lovin around on him, which is fine because they love each, but I didn't feel left out because there was Adam and Mr. Biggles. But now that Avi has come into the picture.."

"Well, Chris is obsessed with my cousin, and Adam is smitten by Mr. Kaplan. But that doesn't mean they don't love you." Chance says. "And as for Mr. Biggles, getting rid of him was the bravest and sweetest thing you could have done. Not to mention the smartest thing you ever done."

"But he gave me someone to talk to." Austin says as he stares at the floor.

"You could have talked to me. I would have listened." Chance smiles.

"Would you have let me operated on you?" Austin asks with a smirk.

"No." Chance answers quickly with a chuckle.

Austin giggles leaning over and gives Chance a quick kiss on the lips.

Both men stare at each other in total surprise.

"Oh my God. I'm so sorry." Austin says jumping up and walking over to the window, looking out nervously.

Chance reaches up slowly, rubbing a finger over his lips. A smile comes across his lips. He has had huge feelings for Austin every since they had all moved into the house together.

He slowly stands up from the bed and walks up behind Austin. He reaches up and rubs Austin on the arms.

"I'm so sorry, Chance." Austin sniffs as a tear rolls down his face. "Please don't hate me."

Chance turns Austin around to face him. He gently rubs his thumb across Austin's cheek wiping away the tear.

"I could never hate you, Sweetheart." Chance says as he cups his hand around Austin's cheek and leans in kissing him softly.

Austin sobs into the kiss and throws his arms around Chance's neck.

Chance quickly wraps his arms around Austin's small waist, pulling him closer and deepening the kiss.

A low sexual moan echoes throughout the house, causing each couple to immediately stop what they were doing.

"Was that Avi?" Austin asks in a whisper.

"Was that Tim?" Adam asks, looking at Avi with wide eyes.

"What kind of sick joke is Chance trying to pull." Tim asks pushing Chris back and glaring at the ceiling.



*~* SANDRA *~*

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