Chapter 13

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"Tim? What do you think you're doing?" Chris asks with his arms crossed across his chest. "Where are your glasses?"

"I'm reading." Tim answers innocently looking up from his book. "And I don't know."

"Are you freaking kidding me? You've already lost another pair?" Chris asks with an irritated voice tone.

"I didn't lose them." Tim says quietly as he marks his place in the book and closes it.

"Well then, where are they?" Chris asks, places his hands on his hips.

"I don't know, Chris." Tim answers, looking up at his boyfriend.

"So, you lost them." Chris states.

"No. I did not." Tim says, shaking his head. "I left them on the nightstand with my book and now they're gone."

"Who would be stealing your glasses, Tim?" Chris asks.

"I don't know, Chris." Tim says getting a little irritated with all the questioning.

"What do you know." Chris mumbles as he starts to the bedroom to look for the glasses. 

Even though Chris had mumbled, Tim heard him.

Tim slams the book down on the end table and turns his chair to face Chris.

"I know that I am not a 10-year-old. So stop treating me like one!!"  Tim says, raising his voice.

"Guys? Please don't fight." Adam pleas as he leans into Avi.

Chris sighs and hangs his head trying to calm his anger.

"Honey, I know that you're not a child. But this is the third or fourth pair that you've lost." Chris says looking down at Tim's anger brown eyes.

"Christopher. Listen to what I am saying. I. did. not. lose. my. glasses." Tim says. "After you went to sleep last night, I decided to read some because I wasn't sleepy. I read a few chapters and then laid the book on the nightstand and put my glasses on top of it. When I went to get my book, the glasses weren't there."

"Well, maybe they got knocked off the table." Chris sighs as he starts to the bedroom.

Tim shakes his head and follows him into their bedroom.

"Awwww, are the love birds fighting." Austin smirks as he walks into the room. "I knew Mr. Perfect was gonna get in trouble."

"Don't start, Austin." Adam says shaking his head.

"I'm going to go get us something to drink, alright?" Avi smiles at Adam and pats him on the leg as he gets up from the couch. "You want anything, Austin?"

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