Chapter 6

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Avi walks up to the door and knocks. He chuckles as he hears Adam yell.

"THAT'S AVI! I GOT IT!!" Adam shouts from inside.

Avi looks around at the darkening skies behind him. The door opens and he is greeted by a smiling Adam.

"Hi." Adam says, smiling.

"Good morning. You're all smiles today." Avi chuckles.

"That's because you're gonna be here." Tim says from the hallway.

"Hush, Timothy." Adam warns giving him a look.

"How are you doing today, Tim?" Avi asks as he closes the door behind him.

"I'm good." Tim shrugs. "Why?"

"You seemed kind of upset before I left yesterday." Avi says as he follows them into the living room.

"Oh that. Yea, sorry about that." Tim sighs. "Sometimes Chris forgets that I'm not that much younger than him."

"Well, he loves you and wants you to stay safe." Avi smiles.

"I know." Tim smiles. "Sometimes though he gets a little carried away."

"Morning, Avi." Chris says, coming down the stairs followed by Austin. "I really appreciate this. I'll try to hurry."

"No need. Take your time." Avi smiles.

"Yea, take your time." Adam repeats with a smirk.

"Well, we're under a tornado watch so I'd like to get home as soon as I can." Chris says as he walks over and stoops down by Tim's chair. "Ya'll be sure and take your medicine on time, Okay?"

Tim nods and smiles .

"I love you." Chris whispers as he gives Tim a soft kiss.

"I love you. Be careful." Tim whispers.

"Ya'll don't be picking on Mr. Biggles. He's upstairs in my room." Austin warns them.

"Seriously?" Adam chuckles. "Tim can't get up there and I wouldn't get no where near the stupid bear."

"Let's go Austin." Chris says shaking his head. 

Avi follows them to the door for last minute instructions.

"They need to take their medicine at 12, with food." Chris says as he gathers his keys, wallet and phone. "Tim needs help going to the bathroom but Adam knows what to do. Uh, I guess that's it. If anything happens, call me."

"Don't worry, we'll be fine." Avi says with a smile.

"Oh, and you might ought to watch the local t.v. station for the weather. It's not looking to friendly out here." Chris says as he walks out the door.

Avi closes the door and turns around, almost running into Tim.

Tim smiles as he reaches and locks the door.

"It's a pet peeve of mine." He says with a shrug. "The door has to be locked."

"He'll check it a hundred times to make sure it is too." Adam laughs.

Tim goes over and opens a drawer in the mail table. "Adam? Do you know where my deck of cards are?"

"They're in the drawer." Adam says smiling at Avi.

"I don't see them. I need 'em." Tim says as he looks in the drawer.

"Then try the other drawer." Adam replies still staring at Avi.

"What are you looking at?" Avi chuckles.

"All the pretty colors that's swirling around you." Adam smiles. 

"Let me explain something to you, Avi." Tim says, turning around with a deck of cards in his lap. "Adam's sightings changes with his mood. Like if he's scared or worried, he sees things like broken glass on the floor, rats, spiders, things like that. But when he sees something he likes..."

"Hush, Tim." Adam interrupts.

"He sees things like flowers in someone's hair, butterflies or swirling colors." Tim continues with a raised brow.

Avi smiles and hangs his head, feeling his cheeks flush.

"Well Tim shuffles a deck of cards just to put them in order again just to reshuffle them. Over and over again." Adam says crossing his arms across his chest, staring at Tim.

"I call it therapy." Tim shrugs. Rolling over to the front door, he unlocks it, opens and closes the door and locks it again. He does this routine 5 times, counting each time.

"Told you." Adam whispers to Avi.

Avi watches as Tim pulls a small table up to his chair. He shuffles the cards and then begins to separate them. He first separates the suits: hearts, diamonds, clubs and spades then he puts each suit in numerical order. Once he finishes, he shuffles the cards and starts all over again.

Avi turns on the television and turns to the local station. He then goes and sits down on the couch with Adam and they begin to chat.

Tim raises his eyes to the t.v. as the local weather interrupts the show that was on.

"Hey, guys?" Tim says. "We're under a Tornado Warning."

Avi and Adam turns their attention to the set.

"I repeat." The meteorologist was saying. "Jefferson County IS under a Tornado Warning. A tornado has been confirmed near the Purchase Parkway heading south."

"Jefferson County is us, right?" Avi asks.

Adam and Tim nod.

"The Purchase Parkway is north of us." Tim says. "I think it's heading in our direction."

"If you are in the path of this tornado. PLEASE take cover IMMEDIATELY!"

"Oh my God." Avi whispers.

"Come on!" Adam says grabbing Avi by the hand. "We need to get to the basement!"

They run to the hallway and Adam throws back a rug, revealing the door to the basement.

Loud thunder shakes the house as Adam turns on the light into the basement.

"Come on!" He yells as he runs down the steps.

Avi turns around to close the door, only to see Tim at the top of the steps. Tim was staring at him with fear in his eyes.

Tim shakes his head. "Go on, keep him safe. I'll just, uh, see if I can get in the closet under the staircase."

"I can't leave you, Tim." Avi says.

"You don't have a choice, Avi. I can't get down there." Tim chuckles nervously.

Adam turns around to see what was keeping the others. Realization hits him that Tim can't get down the steps in his chair. He was panicking and didn't stop to think.

"Tim!" Adam yells running pass Avi on the steps. "I'm not leaving you!"

"Adam, we don't have time to argue." Tim says.

"No we don't have time." Avi says as he grabs one of Tim's arms and put it around his neck. He then grabs one of his legs with one arm while the other he puts around Tim's back. "Come on, Adam. We'll carry him. Just hold on to us, Tim."

The tornado sirens begins to sound as they slowly start down the stairs carrying Tim.



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