Chapter 15

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Chance reaches over to cut off his annoying alarm clock. He loved his job as a fireman. In a small town like their's, there are not that many fires. So he gets paid well just to sit on his butt and play cards, watch t.v. or whatever they can find to do to pass the time.

He stretches and rubs his hands over his face to try to wake up. Sitting up on the side of the bed, he runs his hand through his hair, blinking his eyes a few times staring at the object in front of him.

"What in the Hell is that doing in here?" He asks himself as he stares at Tim's wheelchair.


Tim wakes up and slowly reaches up to his swollen eye. He smiles as he hears his boyfriend singing softly in the bathroom.

He yawns as he pushes himself up into a sitting position. Something was not right. He looks around the room.

"Well, good morning, Beautiful." Chris says, only wearing a towel around his waist. He crawls onto the bed giving Tim a kiss.

"Morning." Tim says in his usual morning voice.

"I love that morning voice of your's." Chris chuckles as he kisses his lover on the cheek. "How's your eye feeling this morning?"

"It's alright. Uh, Chris?" Tim looks at him with furrowed brows. "Where's my chair?"

"Right ther..." Chris pauses as he starts to point next to the bed. "Where is your chair? I left it sitting next to the bed after I helped you to bed." 

"I didn't lose it." Tim shakes his head, looking up innocently at his boyfriend.

"Of course you didn't, Sweetheart." Chris chuckles as he quickly begins to get dressed. 

"But who would have taken it and why and when?" Tim asks.

"I don't know, I don't know and probably after we went to sleep. Any more questions, my love." Chris smiles as he fastens his jeans.

"No, I don't guess." Tim says, hanging his head shyly.

"I'll go see if I can find it." Chris says as he heads toward the bedroom door.

"Alright, I'll just wait here." Tim smirks.

Chris throws him a kiss before leaving the room.

Chris looks around the living room, finding no chair. Walking into the kitchen, he sees Rob fixing breakfast.

"Rob, you haven't seen Tim's chair anywhere, have you?" He asks.

"What? His wheelchair is missing? Just what is going on?" Rob asks. "It just doesn't make any sense."

"I know. It's about to get on my last nerve." Chris says as he leaves the kitchen.

"Looking for this?" Chance asks as he totes Tim's folded up chair down the stairs.

"How the hell did it get upstairs?" Chris asks as he takes the wheelchair from Chance and unfolds it.

"Don't asks me. I woke up to find it sitting in the middle of my room." Chance shrugs. "It was actually kinda creepy. Is Austin up yet?"

"Now why do you automatically think that Austin did it?" Rob asks, shaking his head.

"Just sounds like something he would do." Chance says as he fixes himself a cup of coffee.

"He does like playing pranks on Tim and Adam, Rob." Chris says.

"Good morning." Avi says as he and Adam come down the stairs.

"Did you lose Tim?" Adam chuckles as he points to the empty wheelchair.

"No, actually, we lost the chair." Chris says as he heads back to his and Tim's room with the chair.

Adam gives Chance a confused look.

"His chair was in my room this morning." Chance says as he slips on his boots.

"Upstairs?" Avi asks stealing a piece of bacon off of the plate Rob was filling.

"Who knows. Well, gotta run." Chance says, slipping on his cap. "See ya, Cuz." He waves at Tim as he wheels through the living room followed by Chris.

"Bye Chance, have a good day." Tim says with a wave.

"Well, there's Tim and his possessed chair." Adam giggles as Tim pulls up to the table.

"My guess is, Mr. Biggles went joy riding in it." Tim says only to get pinched in the side by his boyfriend. "Oww! That hurt"

"Just don't start nothing this morning." Chris warns quietly.

"Morning y'all." Austin yawns, scratching the back of his head.

He sits down next to Avi with his eyes closed.

"Late night?" Tim asks with a raised brow.

"No, as a matter of fact, Tim, I went to bed early." Austin says as he cuts his eyes toward Tim. "I had a headache, for some reason."

Tim gives him a fake smile.

Chris hands out their medication. Tim, Adam and Austin each has a few pills to take.

Avi watches as Tim takes his all at one time washing them down with some water. Adam takes his one at a time with a drink of water between each pill. But when he glances over at Austin, he notices that Austin had laid his pills by his plate.

"Well, I guess I need to head out." Rob says as he stands up from the table.

"Don't work too hard." Chris smiles.

"Don't worry about that, I don't plan on it." Rob chuckles then turns his attention to Austin. "You behave today and remember the rules."

"I know." Austin says as he takes a bite of his bacon.

Avi was trying to secretly keep an eye on Austin and his medication. Maybe he took his after he ate.

Adam says something to Avi that distracts him for just a minute. When he looks back around, the pills are gone and so is Austin's napkin. And he was watching Chris and Tim as if he was making sure they weren't watching him.

Avi was almost a 100% sure that Austin did not take his medication.



*~* CHRIM  *~*

*~* AVAM  *~*

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