Chapter 45

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Austin wakes up to an empty bed. He groans as he attempts to sit up. It felt good last night but it sure as hell hurt this morning.

He slowly gets dressed and goes down the stairs even slower. Walking into the kitchen, he sees Tim at the table by himself eating breakfast.

"Where is everybody?" Austin asks, easing himself down in the chair and grabbing him a plate to fill.

"Chance and Rob had to work. Avi went to the college and Adam went with him. And Chris is taking a shower." Tim says as he continues to eat.

"Good. Cause I need to tell you something." Austin smiles nervously.

"Something wrong?" Tim asks as he takes a sip of his tea.

Tim was the only person that Austin knew that drank sweet tea for breakfast.

"I did it." Austin smiles.

"You did what?" Tim asks with furrowed brow.

"Chance and I. We did it." Austin grins proudly.

"You did it as in sex?" Tim asks, a smile creeping across his face.

"Yep." Austin nods.

"Are you alright?" Tim asks, lowering his voice.

"I'm pretty sore this morning. But Tim, Oh. My. God. It was awesome." Austin chuckles as he fills his plate.

"Tell me. What happened?" Tim asks, a huge smile on his face.

"Well, I went into the bedroom and I heard Chance in the shower." Austin whispers.

Tim gasps.

"You didn't." Tim chuckles. 

"I did." Austin giggles and nods. "I used your suggestion."

"You're a bad boy." Tim laughs as he high-fives Austin.

"Morning, Austin." Chris smiles as he walks into the kitchen. He had a feeling he had interrupted something by the way both guys quickly began eating. Shoveling food into their mouths. "Is everything okay?" He asks running his fingers through Tim's hair.

"Mhmm." Tim answers taking a drink of tea, looking at Chris over the glass.

Chris and Tim have been together a long time. Long enough that Chris can read Tim's eyes. And right now, those brown eyes was telling him that he knew something.

"You think you guys will be alright long enough for me to run to the post office?" Chris asks. "I need to mail off some bills and we're out of stamps."

"Avi and Adam took the van." Tim says.

"That's fine. The post office ain't that far. I need the exercise anyway." Chris chuckles as he pats himself on the stomach.

"We'll be fine." Tim smiles.

"I won't be gone long." Chris says as he leans down and gives Tim a very hungry kiss. Leaving Tim wanting more.

"Wow." Tim breathes and shakes his head as Chris chuckles and walks away.

"You guys are so hot together." Austin giggles. "Seems like at least one of you are always horny."

"I don't want to talk about us. I want to talk about you and my dear cuz." Tim says with a smile. "So tell me what happened."

"Well, I slipped into the bathroom and took off my clothes." Austin giggles. His face blushing.

"No, Sh*t?" Tim laughs.

"I was soooo nervous." Austin says.

"I bet. What did Chance do?" Tim smiles.

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