Chapter 38

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Chris pushes Tim up to the table as they were fixing to eat breakfast. Rob, Chance and Austin were already eating. Rob and Chance had to got to work so they couldn't wait on the late risers.

Tim was filling his plate as Avi and Adam walk into the kitchen. He glances up meeting Adam's blue eyes. He chuckles softly as Adam smiles and hangs his head.

"Good morning, you two." Chris smiles knowingly.

"Morning." Avi smiles as he pulls a chair out for Adam.

"Good morning." Adam replies quietly. His eyes glued to his plate. He felt as if all eyes were on him. After all, he and Avi did get really loud last night and the walls of the old house were pretty thin.

Everyone begins to eat in silence. Which was slightly unusual. Normally everyone is talking or arguing about something.

"Uh, Avi?" Chris speaks up, breaking the silence. "I need to go to the hardware store and get a few things for the house. Would you like to go with me? I'd also like to get some paint to paint the living room."

"Sure, I'd love to." Avi answers.

"Get something besides white." Tim says. "White is so depressing."

"How is white depressing?" Chris chuckles.

"It's just so blah." Tim smiles. "It reminds me of a hospital."

"Yeah, get something exciting, like blue." Austin comments. "Or anything with color."

"We might eventually paint the bedrooms too." Chris says. "Would you boys be alright here by yourselves?"

"Yeah, we'll be fine. We're not as crazy as we used to be." Tim smiles.

"Well, I hate to rush off but I need to get to work." Chance says, giving Austin a quick kiss.

"Yeah, me too." Rob says, wiping his mouth with a napkin.

They all pitch in to clean the kitchen before anyone left.

"Adam? Are you alright?" Chris asks as he sees Adam walking a little slow. 

"Uh, yeah. I'm ... I'm fine." Adam says with a small smile.

"Let me go grab my shoes and I'll be ready to go." Avi says quickly, heading for the stairs.

"If you need anything, call me." Chris says as he kisses Tim softly.

"Okay. Take your time. We'll be fine." Tim smiles.

Soon, Tim, Adam and Austin were left alone in the house. 

"ADAM RUPP! GET YOUR SORE ASS IN HERE!" Tim yells as he goes into the living room.

"Tim!!" Adam scolds as he comes out of the bathroom.

"What's all the yelling about?" Austin asks as he comes from the kitchen.

"Sit." Tim orders pointing to the couch as he looks up at Adam. Adam slowly sits down. "Now, spill it."

"I don't know what you're talking about." Adam smiles and shrugs his shoulders.

"That's bullsh*t and you know it." Tim replies with a smirk on his face. "You're forgetting that mine and Chris's bedroom is right beneath Avi's."

"What? Wait. Tim, that wasn't you and Chris making all those noises last night?" Austin grins as he sits down next to Adam.

"No, it wasn't us. Adam, you care to tell us about all those screams and moans and groans that we were all hearing. We don't have ghost anymore so don't blame them." Tim chuckles.

"Okay, okay." Adam laughs. "It was me and Avi."

"Well, don't stop there. We want details." Austin says.

"First of all, Tim, the candles were a great idea." Adam says. "He was totally turned on."

"Works every time." Tim chuckles.

"So you went through with it?" Austin asks.

"Yep, and Tim was right. It does hurt but it is so worth it." Adam blushes.

"The pleasure overcomes the pain." Tim comments.

"That is so true." Adam giggles.

"Any regrets?" Tim asks with a smile.

"None, what-so-ever." Adam smiles. "I just have one question, well, maybe two."

"What's that?" Tim asks.

"How long does this soreness last and will it hurt the next time?" Adam asks.

"The soreness doesn't last that long and it may hurt some the next time but not as bad." Tim answers. "The more you do it the less it hurts. Unless he gets a little rough, then you may be sore. Speaking from experience."

"Chris didn't get mad, did he?" Adam asks. "When he realized what we were doing?"

"Actually, no. He thought you guys were already screwing." Tim chuckles. "He did get a little grossed out and covered his ears last night."

"I've done the same thing." Adam laughs. "Whenever you and Chris are getting it on downstairs. It's just not cool listening to your brother having sex."

"So, what about you?" Tim asks, turning his attention to Austin. "Did you change your mind?"

"I guess I just chickened out." Austin says sadly.

"It's not like there is a time limit, Austin. It'll happen when the time is right." Tim smiles, rubbing the younger man on the head. "If you're not ready for that step, then you don't need to push yourself."

"How should I do it? I mean, you gave Adam advice about the candles that seemed to work." Austin says.

"What is this?" Tim laughs. "Y'all think I'm a pro at seducing my boyfriend?"

"Yeah." Adam and Austin answer in unison.

"Well, I guess I do have a pretty good track record." Tim laughs again. "Well, let's see. You're more straightforward than Adam. So a more direct approach is more you."

Tim tugs lightly at his whiskers as he thought. The other two waited patiently.

"Oh, I got one." Tim smiles. "Wait until he gets into the shower then take your clothes off and slip in with him."

"That sounds kinky." Adam chuckles.

"Yeah, that sounds good." Austin smiles. "Did it work for you?"

"Austin." Tim says flatly as he raises a brow. "Does it look like I can take a shower?"

"Oh, Sorry. I forgot." Austin says with an apologetic smile.

"But, Chris has joined me in the bathtub several times." Tim says with a smirk. "It was pretty kinky."

"Tim." Adam scolds as he covers his ears. "That's my brother you are talking about. I don't want that vision stuck in my head."



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