Chapter 44

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** WARNING!!!  SMUT!!!!!! **


Austin walks into the bedroom, stopping when he heard the shower and Chance softly singing. He had such a beautiful voice. It was smooth as butter.

Austin slips quietly up to the bathroom door, taking hold of the doorknob. His thoughts were on the suggestion that Tim had given him.

"It's now or never." He whispers to himself as he opens the door and peeks in. He smiles as he sees Chance's nude form through the shower door.

He quickly and quietly undresses, then walks nervously up to the shower door. Taking a deep breath to try to calm himself, he slowly slides the shower door open.

The cool air from outside the shower draws Chance's attention. There stood his boyfriend wearing nothing but a nervous smile.

"Wow." Chance says softly as his eyes quickly scan Austins slim body. "What do I owe this pleasure."

"Uh, I .. I.. Chance, I want to take our relationship further." Austin says as he hugs himself.

"I see that." Chance smiles.

"Can ... can I join you?" Austin asks, biting his bottom lip.

"Uh, yeah. Sure." Chance says as he reaches for Austin's hand and helps him into the shower.

Austin shyly hangs his head once he gets into the shower. Again, wrapping his arms around himself.

"Whats wrong, Sweetie?" Chance says softly.

"I'm just ... I'm kinda ashamed of my body." Austin quietly says.

"But why? You're beautiful." Chance says as he lifts Austin's face and kisses him on the nose.

"I'm skinny." Austin pouts.

"No, you're slim. There is a difference." Chance smiles as he rubs Austin on the shoulders.

Chance lets his hands slide from Austin's shoulders down on his arms.

"Are you sure about this? Don't think that you have to do this just to keep me around." Chance says shaking his head. "And don't think that you have to just because Tim and Adam are."

"I know. I want you, Chance." Austin says softly as he rubs Chance on the chest.

"I definitely wasn't expecting this." Chance chuckles lightly as he brushes back Austin's long curls.

"Me either." Austin giggles as he slides his arms around Chance's neck.

Chance leans in, kissing Austin softly. Austin quickly deepens the kiss with a hunger that even surprised him.

Chance's hands roam over the wet flesh of his boyfriend. Austin moans as fire speeds through his veins, pulling Chance closer pressing their bodies together.

"D*mn, looks like I have me a little tiger here." Chance smirks as he continues to kiss Austin.

"I want you, Chance. Take me." Austin whispers.

"You wanna take this to the bed?" Chance whispers next to Austin's ear.

"Yeah." Austin says quietly, looking up at Chance with lust filled eyes. He has no idea what had come over him. His body was aching to be touched.

They quickly dried off before Chance leads Austin over to the bed.

Austin climbs onto the bed, smiling up at Chance. The smile was no long a nervous one but one of excitement and desire.

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