Chapter 32

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"We did manage to catch a couple of things." Jay says.

The others gather around, eager to hear the recordings.

"Alright, the first one we got is Tim asking 'Why are you still here', we got a response." Jay says.

(recording) Tim: "Esther, can you tell me why you are still here?" 
             Female voice: "Cher."

"Holy sh*t! I knew it!" Tim says with excitement.

"Oh, there's more." Jay smiles. "Okay, this is Avi upstairs with Jennifer."

(Recording) Avi: "Is someone not letting you pass over?"
              Female voice: "Cher."

"That is totally awesome." Zak smiles.

"And we caught one more thing." Jay says as he starts the recording. "This is Tim again."

(Recording) Tim: "Are you the one keeping them here? Leave them alone."
               Female laughing.

"Well, that gives us something to work with." Zak nods. "Get rid of Cher and then Esther and Jennifer will be able to leave."

"Just how do you intend to get rid of Cher?" Chris asks.

"With this." Zak says pulling something out of a pouch that looked like a large self-rolled cigar.

"You plan on getting her high?" Tim asks with a confused look. "That's the biggest d*mn joint I've ever seen."

"No." Zak laughs. "This is sage. Native Americans believed that the smoke from the burning sage would rid the evil spirits."

"But does it actually work?" Chance asks.

"Yes, actually it does." Zak says. "Adam? Are you sensitive?"

"Uh, I guess." Adam shrugs. "I cried when Old Yeller died."

Zak laughs and shakes his head.

"What I mean is, do you pick up on things? Like, you noticed when Cher entered the room. Do you see things?" Zak asks.

"Oh." Adam giggles and his face turns red. "It's hard to explain. I see things that, I don't know, maybe reflects the mood of a situation. Whether it's bad or good. The doctor's just thought I was crazy."

"No, you're not crazy, Adam, you're gifted." Billy comments.

"Gifted? Really?" Adam smirks as he looks around at his older brother.

"That's why I want you with me when we do this. To see if you can sense the feeling of the rooms." Zak says.

"Alright." Adam smiles, eager to be able to help.

"He's not in any danger is he?" Avi asks, concerned about his boyfriend.

"He shouldn't be. But I'm not for sure how much Cher will resist." Zak says. "She may attack anyone of us."

"This is kind of exciting." Austin smiles.

"But it could also be dangerous, Sweetheart." Chance says as he puts his arm around Austin.

"Hey, I got a question." Tim says turning his chair to face Zak. "Could Cher have used, uh, say a stuffed animal, to try to get someone to hurt someone?"

"You mean to try to possess the person's mind?" Zak asks.

"Yeah, I guess." Tim says.

"I had this teddy bear. Its name was Mr. Biggles and it started talking to me. It wanted to become human. I sewed baby doll arms and legs on it. Then it wanted more human-like eyes instead of the button eyes it had. So I glued doll eyes on it. One brown and one blue." Austin says.

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