Chapter 51

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Avi get's out of the shower, wrapping a towel around his waist. Walking out of the bathroom, he sees Adam sitting on the bed, Indian style with a sad look on his face.

"What's wrong, Sweetie?" Avi asks. "You look like you've lost your best friend."

"I feel like I have." Adam says with a pout. "I miss Tim."

"Honey, they'll be back in a couple of days." Avi says.

"I know. It just seems so dead around here without him." Adam shrugs. "In his own weird way, he lightened up the place."

"You think I could cheer you up?" Avi says with a smile as he drops his towel.

"I don't kn .." Adam says looking up but doesn't finish when he sees the towel drop. There, by the bed, stands his boyfriend, completely nude.

"Are you sure about that?" Avi says, continuing to smile.

"No." Adam says, a smile creeping across his lips.

"I'll see what I can do." Avi says as he crawls onto the bed.

He begins kissing Adam, pushing him down onto the bed as he does.

Adam giggles and wraps his arms around Avi's neck.

"At least I have you smiling." Avi smiles as he looks down at his blue-eyed lover.

"But, I'm still sad." Adam says, quickly changing to a frown.

"Maybe this will work." Avi says softly as he begins to leave feathery kisses along Adam's neck.

"Gotta do better than that." Adam says as his breathing quickens.

"Oh, tough guy, huh?" Avi says as he moves to kissing and nibbling at Adam's nipples.

Adam moans softly as he wraps his fingers into Avi's damp hair.

"You're not trying hard enough." Adam groans.

"What about this?" Avi says as he slides his hand down and palms Adam's quickly rising member through the thin fabric of his boxers.

"Close but no cigar." Adam whimpers.

"Hmm, you're a tough cookie." Avi smiles. "What if I do this?"

Avi slides his hand into Adam's boxers and gently strokes his length.

"Ohhhh." Adam moans. "You're getting warmer."

"I know what will work." Avi smiles with a nod.

"It has to be good." Adam says between heavy breaths.

"Oh, it is." Avi says as he pulls Adam's prick out of his boxers and kisses the head.

"OH! SH*T!" Adam groans loudly. "Goo ... Good, but (swallows hard) still .. I'm still sa .. sad."

"Okay, then. Moving on to plan B." Avi reaches into the drawer, grabbing the lube. Coating two fingers, he positions himself lower taking Adam's erection into his mouth. Wrapping his tongue around his shaft as he begins to suck.

"OH, MY GOD!" Adam screams out. "I LOVE PLAN B!!!!"

Avi chuckles sending vibrations through Adam's throbbing prick making him squirm.

Avi pulls Adam's member from his mouth and licks the precum from the tip.

"If you love Plan B, then you'll definitely love the Grand Finale." Avi smirks as he slides a finger into Adam's entrance.

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