Chapter 39

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"That one is perfect. He'll love it." Avi says with a huge smile.

"You sure?" Chris asks as he looks closely at the ring in his hand.

"Yes, I'm sure. I'm just so excited that you're finally going to ask him." Avi says.

"I've been wanting to for some time now." Chris says as he continues to look at the engagement rings. "I just never got the nerve. I love him so much, Avi. I'll probably start crying if I keep talking about it."

"Awww." Avi chuckles. "Y'all do seem perfect for each other."

"My heart still skips a beat whenever I look into his eyes." Chris smiles.

"Stop, or I'll start crying." Avi laughs. "So? When you gonna ask him?"

"I'm not sure. Soon, though." Chris says. "I want all of you guys there when I do."

"So, does he have a favorite restaurant?" Avi asks.

"Yeah, as a matter of fact, he does. It's a small seafood restaurant down on the wharf." Chris smiles. "He loves crawfish and says that they have the best crawfish there."

"Well, there's your answer." Avi chuckles.

"You have to promise me that you won't tell a soul, Avi. Not even Adam" Chris says as they walk up to the counter to pay. "Adam and Tim tell each other everything."


"On one of our anniversaries, he brought home a bottle of champagne." Tim says with a smile as he bit his bottom lip. "And we took a bubble bath together. Sounds cheesy, I know. But, God, it was so romantic."

While Tim was talking, Chris and Avi walks in, unseen by Tim.

"Chris just knows the right things to do to make me feel good. I miss him whenever we are apart. I feel like a part of me is missing." Tim says.

"Uh, Hi, Chris." Austin smirks.

Tim's eyes widen as he stares at Austin. He slowly turns his chair around as Adam and Austin begin to giggle.

"Umm." Tim says, looking up at his smiling boyfriend with a look of a puppy being scolded. "This is an embarrassing moment." Speaking softly.

"What were you saying, Tim?" Avi chuckles as he sits down beside Adam, putting his arm around him.

"Nothing." Tim says quietly, hanging his head to hide his reddening cheeks.

Chris smiles as he squats down in front of Tim taking him by the hand.

"That's Okay, Angel. I feel the same way." Chris says as he kisses the back of Tim's hand.

"Really?" Tim smiles.

"That's true." Avi laughs. "I've never seen anyone pick out paint that fast before. He just wanted to hurry up and get back home."

"Awwww." Austin pouts, wiping an imaginary tear. "That's so sweet."

"Shut up, Austin." Tim chuckles.

"What do you say, we all go out to eat tonight after Chance and Rob get home?" Chris says, rubbing Tim on the cheek.

"Where?" Tim asks.

"What about that restaurant at the wharf that you like so well?" Chris smiles, giving Avi a quick glance.

"Really?" Tim asks, a huge smile coming across his face. "I love that place."

"I know you do." Chris says as he leans in and kisses Tim on the forehead.

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