Chapter 10

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Avi said goodbye to his friends and makes his way inside the house.

Adam looks up and smiles as he flips through the channels trying to find something to watch.

Tim was sitting in his wheelchair next to the couch, staring blankly at the t.v. screen as if his mind was a million miles away. His hair still damp from his bath and he was already dressed for bed.

Austin was sitting on the couch, going through a box of doll body parts.

Avi thought better than to ask him what he was looking for.

"Adam, where did Chris go?" Avi asks.

"He and Chance are down in the basement trying to find something to cover the broken windows with." Adam answers with a huge smile.

"Thank you." Avi smiles and heads to the basement.

"Why don't you just tell him that you like him?" Tim asks, still staring at the television.

"Because." Adam pouts as his shoulders droop.

"Because why?" Tim asks, shifting his eyes to Adam.

"He goes to college. He doesn't want a retarded boyfriend." Adam says sadly.

"Chris did." Tim shrugs.

"You're not retarded, Tim." Adam says with a slight smile.

"We're all retarded, Adam." Austin says, not looking up from the body parts.

"Some more than others." Tim answers as he raises a brow at Austin.

"Maybe you can help me make a decision, Tim." Austin says as he holds out his hands. "Brown or blue?"

Tim looks down at Austin's hand and gasps as he sees a set of eyes in each hand. A set of brown eyes and a set of blue eyes.

"WHAT THE HELL, AUSTIN!" Tim shouts, his eyes widening as he tries to catch his breath.

"PUT THEM AWAY!! THEY'RE WINKING AT ME!!!" Adam yells as tries to pull Tim's chair away from the couch where Austin was sitting.

Rob runs in from the kitchen where he had been fixing supper.

"What is going on in here!?" Rob asks.

"Nothing." Austin answers, dropping the eyes back into the box as he looks up at Rob innocently.

"YOU LIAR!!!" Adam screams hysterically as tears roll down his cheek.

The three men that were in the basement came running back upstairs when they heard all the screaming.

Chris ran directly to Tim's chair. Tim had his hand on his chest gasping for air.

"I can't breath, Chris." Tim whispers as he grabs Chris by the shirt.

"What did you do, Austin?" Chance asks.

"Nothing I swear." Austin says, shaking his head.


Avi rushes over to Adam and pulls the trembling man into his arms.

"It's o.k., Adam." Avi whispers as he glances over at Chris and Tim.

Chris had Tim pulled tightly to his chest, gently rocking him.

"Shhh, just relax. Match my breathing." Chris whispers calmly.

"I'm...I'm trying." Tim whispers.

"Avi, the eyeballs were winking at me and Tim." Adam cries into Avi's shoulder.

"I'm not gonna let them hurt you and Chris will take care of Tim." Avi whispers.

"Austin, I thought you had been told not to bring that stuff downstairs. It's to stay in your bedroom." Chance says with a stern voice.

"I know, but I was just asking their advice. I didn't know they would go all crazy." Austin says as he looks around at Adam and Tim.

"Austin, take your stuff upstairs. Now!" Rob orders as he points to the stairs. "And if I catch them downstairs again, they'll be thrown away. Understand?"

"Yes, Sir." Austin says sadly as he stands up to head back upstairs.

Tim was beginning to breath easier. He had his head resting in his hands.

Adam was calming down as he wipes away the stray tears, Avi whispering to him asking him if he was alright.

"Uh, Austin." Chris says as he stands up beside the wheelchair and gently rubs Tim on the back of the head. "Don't you have something to say to Tim and Adam?"

Austin rolls his eyes before turning around to face everyone. "I'm sorry."

He turns and stomps upstairs. Chance rolls his eye and shakes his head.

"Wow, that was really heartfelt." He says sarcastically.

Austin goes to his room, slamming the door behind him. Sitting the box on the bed, he sits back against the headboard and picks up Mr. Biggles.

"I hate them, Mr. Biggles." Austin pouts. "They're always getting me in trouble. Poor little Tim and Adam don't ever do anything wrong. Tim is always saying I'm crazy"

He sighs as he plays with Mr. Biggles rabbit ears.

"They don't like you at all," He whispers into one of the ears. "It's really going to freak them out when you get your new eyes. We can really have fun scaring them then."

He sits Mr. Biggles down beside him and then reaches for the box of doll parts. He smiles as he reaches into the box.

"Since they showed out and wouldn't help me pick a color, what do you think about this?" He asks as he holds out one hand. "One blue eye for Adam" Then holding out his other hand. "And one brown eye for Tim."

"Yea? I thought you might like that." Austin giggles.



*~* CHRIM *~*
*~* AVAM *~*

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