Chapter 43

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Later that night, everyone was in the living room watching a movie.

Tim was cuddled up next to Chris on the couch reading. Avi and Adam were snuggled together in the recliner while Austin and Chance were cuddled in the love seat.

Chris looks up as he hears the front door open and hears voices in the entrance hallway. A few seconds later, a smiling Rob walks into the living room with a very pretty lady.

"Hey, guys." Rob smiles, causing everyone to look in his direction. "Kelsey wanted to meet you all."

"Hi, I'm ..." Chris starts as he reaches out to shake her hand.

"Chris, right?" Kelsey smiles as she shakes his hand. "I feel as if I know all of you. Rob has told me all about you guys."

"Well, I hope it was all good." Chris chuckles.

"Oh, it was." She smiles and looks down at Tim. "And you're Tim and you don't shake hands."

"Yes, Mam." Tim smiles as he takes off his glasses.

"Please, just call me, Kelsey." Kelsey smiles. "And by the way, congratulations on you guys' engagement." 

"Thank you." Tim smiles and looks around at his fiance.

"And you two must be Adam and Avi. And you guys are Chance and Austin." She says.

"Dang, she's good." Austin laughs.

"Like I said, I feel like I know you all." Kelsey says as she and Rob sit down on the couch next to Tim.

"So, did y'all have a good time tonight?" Chance asks.

"Yes, we did. We went to that little restaurant down on the dock. It was so good." Kelsey smiles.

"That's my favorite restaurant." Tim smiles. "That's where Chris proposed."

"It is a very romantic place." Kelsey nods.

"So what are yall watching?" Rob asks.

"Sully". Chris answers. "With Tom Hanks."

"Oh, I heard that was an awesome movie." Kelsey says.

Tim slips his glasses back on and goes back to his book.

"So what are you reading?" Kelsey asks quietly to keep from distracting anyone from the movie.

"Stephen King's 'Misery'. He's my favor author." Tim smiles. 

"It's his fault that I'm now scared of clowns." Kelsey chuckles. "You read much?"

"All the time." Chris answers with a smile.

After the movie, they all gather around the kitchen table for late night snacks and a bit of conversation.

"Avi, Rob told me that you were attending college?" Kelsey asks as she sips her tea.

"Well, I was." Avi chuckles lightly. "But after the tornado, I never went back. There was just too much going here."

"What were you studying?" She asks as she adjusts her glasses.

"Business and Accounting. I was in my Senior year. Stupid, huh. Dropping out in my Senior year." Avi says, shaking his head.

"You could always finish online." Kelsey suggests.

"Never thought about it." Avi replies. "But it would be easier to find a job if I had a degree."

"We could always use someone in those degrees at the bank." Rob says.

"Your college may offer online classes. Maybe they'll let you pick up where you left off." Chance suggests.

"That would be cool." Avi nods. "I think I'll check in on it."

"Chris, do you work?" Kelsey asks.

"Not anymore. I used to be a male nurse at the hospital. But when we all moved in together, it was decided that with my training, it would be best for me to stay at home with the guys." Chris answers.

"Mine and Chris's parents passed away a few years ago and left us a small inheritance. Plus, Austin, Tim and I get disability checks." Adam says. "Tim, of course, is handicapped and Austin and I were declared mentally unstable." He smiles.

"Really?" Kelsey asks with a puzzled look.

"We're not as crazy as we used to be." Austin chuckles.

"If you boys don't hush, you're going to scare her off." Rob says with a smile.

"Oh, on the contrary, Mr. Lundquist." Kelsey says with a smile. "I find you all very interesting."

"Well, we were told to be on our best behavior." Tim says with a slight smirk.

"Yeah." Adam giggles. "Especially, Tim."

"Rob threatened us." Austin chuckles.

"You threatened them? But they're so sweet." Kelsey says, looks at Rob.

Rob opens his mouth to speak, his eyes falling on a smirking Tim. 

"I know, right?" Austin says also smiling.

"You guys are something else." Rob chuckles and shakes his head.

"So, tell us, how did he ask you out?" Austin asks as he cuddles up next to Chance.

"Well, I've had my eye on Rob from the first day I started working at the bank over a year ago." She smiles.

"Really? Why?" Tim asks with a puzzled look.

"He was cute and funny." Kelsey says with a smile. "And really sweet."

Tim opens his mouth to say something but Chris quickly covers his mouth.

"Then we started going to lunch together." Kelsey continues. "And then a few days ago, he FINALLY asks me out."

"It took you a year to ask her out?" Chance asks with a smile.

"Hey, I'm an old-fashion gentleman." Rob chuckles.

"You were too scared, right?" Tim asks after pulling Chris's hand down from his mouth.

"Petrified." Rob laughs.

"Chris, I have to say, I absolutely love this house. How old is it?" Kelsey asks.

"It was built in 1886." Chris answers.

"Wow, that's amazing. I noticed some paint cans in the living room. Are you guys gonna start restoring it?" Kelsey asks.

"We're just getting tired of the plain white walls." Chris smiles.

"This house has to have a lot of history." Kelsey says as she glances around the room. "If these walls could talk."

"Trust me, you don't want these walls to talk." Adam laughs, shaking his head.

"What do you mean?" Kelsey asks.

"You'd be hearing a lot of moaning and groaning." Austin answers.

"I don't understand." Kelsey says, looking puzzled. "Was it a hospital or something?"

Rob sighs and hangs his head. He wished that Kelsey hadn't asked that question.

"Or something." Tim answers with a chuckle. "It was a whore house."



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