Chapter 42

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REQUESTED BY:  ObsessedwithChance


"Chris?" Tim whispers. He glances around at the clock. 5:30 a.m. "Chris?" He whispers again, shaking him gently.

"What?" Chris answers lazily, rolling over and sliding his arm around his fiance.

"Are you awake?" Tim asks, biting his bottom lip.

"Uh, yeah. I am now." Chris smiles, without opening his eyes.

"I'm hungry." Tim whispers.

"Seriously? Hungry?" Chris mumbles.

"Yes, I'm starving." Tim groans, holding his stomach.

"I doubt that." Chris chuckles, lightly, finally opening his eyes and looking at his brown-eyed lover.

"Please." Tim pouts.

"Don't do that. You know I hate it when you pout." Chris groans.

"I know." Tim smirks.

"What do you want?" Chris yawns as he sits up on the side of the bed and reaches for his boxers.

"Bacon. Oh, and some ice tea." Tim smiles.

"Bacon and tea? Are you sure you're not pregnant?" Chris asks, looking over his shoulder.

"No." Tim chuckles.

"No, you're not sure or no, you're not." Chris laughs.

"No, I'm not." Tim says, rolling his eyes.

"What about some cereal?" Chris asks as he stretches.

"Ooo, that sounds good." Tim says with a smile as he sits up in bed. "With bacon and tea, Please."

"I'll surprise you." Chris laughs, leaning over and kissing Tim on the head.

"Love youuuuu." Tim chuckles.

"Yeah, whatever." Chris laughs as he heads toward the bedroom door.

As Chris came through the living room, he notices a light on in the kitchen. He could hear someone moving around. He walks in to see Chance getting the eggs and bacon out of the refrigerator.

"Well, good morning." Chris chuckles as Chance jumps almost dropping the eggs. "Sorry, didn't mean to scare you."

"I didn't think anyone would be up this early. Especially you." Chance laughs.

"Why do you say that?" Chris asks but the look Chance gives him, tells him the answer. "Ok, don't answer that. What are you doing up?"

"I gotta work." Chance answers.

"Tim's hungry. Said he was starving." Chris chuckles. "He's wanting bacon and tea."

Chance laughs and shakes his head.

"That's my cousin for you." He laughs.

"Sorry if Tim and I kept you and Austin up last night. I really didn't think we were getting that loud." Chris smiles as he helps Chance make breakfast.

"Thin floors." Chance smiles. "Tim's voice seems to penetrate right through them. Are you gonna fix him a plate or is he coming in here to eat."

"I think I'll go get him so he can eat in here with us." Chris says heading back to the bedroom.

He walks in to see Tim still sitting up but his head was down. He had gone back to sleep sitting up. Chris smiles as he lifts Tim's head and brushes his hair out of his face.

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