Chapter 47

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*** WARNING!! SMUT!!!!


"Did you have fun today?" Chris asks as he helped Tim get ready for bed.

"Yeah." Tim answers quietly. "I'm sorry I ruined your fun. I don't know what came over me."

"Oh, Sweetie. You didn't ruin my fun. I'm sorry for leaving you alone." Chris says as he brushes Tim's hair back behind his ear. "That was so wrong of me."

"Apology accepted." Tim smiles up at his fiance.

"So, Gorgeous, when do you want to get married?" Chris asks as he sits down beside Tim and takes him by the hand.

"Tomorrow." Tim chuckles.

"Tomorrow? That's a bit soon, don't you think?" Chris laughs. "No plans has been made."

"Can't blame me for trying." Tim chuckles and shrugs his shoulders. "It doesn't have to be anything fancy or big, considering we don't have many friends. I just want to be Timothy Rupp as soon as possible."

"And you will be. I promise." Chris says as he places a kiss on Tim's forehead. "Nothing could make me more happier than you being Timothy Rupp."

"I love you so much, Chris." Tim says softly as he stares into his lover's eyes.

"Awww, Angel. I love you too." Chris whispers as he leans over and kisses Tim.

Tim wraps his arms around Chris's neck as the kiss deepens.

Chris lays Tim back on the bed leaving feathery kisses along his neck and shoulders. Tim hums as Chris begins to nibble and suck on his sweet spot. Leaving his mark on Tim's neck.

After discarding their underwear, Chris crawls on top of his fiance and nibbles at his nipple as his hand slowly slides down Tim's body. Finding its destination.

Tim moans as Chris begins to palm his quickly rising erection.

"Ummm, that feels so good." Tim whispers. "I want to make love to you."

Without saying a word, Chris reaches into the nightstand for the lube. Even though they have switched up before, it had been awhile. And Chris was overly excited.

Chris hands Tim the lube then turns around in a 69 position.

Tim smiles and squirts some lube on his finger. Seeing Chris excited about making love, excites him.

Chris begins to kiss and nibble on the head of Tim's prick. He groans in pleasure as he feels Tim's finger push carefully inside him.

"Oh, God." Chris moans before taking Tim's length in his mouth and begins to suck.

Tim works in the second finger as he runs his tongue up Chris's member. He felt as if he was going to reach his high at any minute. Reaching down, he lays his hand on Chris's head.

"Get on me." He whispers as he tries to catch his breath.

Chris immediately removes his lover's prick from his mouth, kissing the tip of it. He raises up and turns around to straddle Tim's hips.

They look into the other's eyes. Eyes that were filled with lust, hunger and desire.

Tim reaches down and takes a hold of his prick and lines it up. He gives Chris a quick nod.

Chris groans and shuts his eyes as he begins to lower himself onto his fiance. The feeling of Tim's member slowly sliding inside was of pure pleasure.

"God, that feels so good." Tim whispers as he grabs Chris's hips.

"I'm just getting started, Baby Doll." Chris says softly as he places his hands on each side of Tim for support.

Soon, he was raising and lowering himself on Tim's member. 

Tim groans loudly as Chris got faster with his movements. He used his hands that were on Chris's hips to help lift his partner so that he would not get exhausted too soon.

"OH MY GOD!!" Chris yells out as he slams himself harder onto his lover's throbbing shaft.

Tim grabs Chris's length and begins to pump it, rubbing his thumb across the slit. 

"I'm fixin' to cum!" Chris groans loudly.

"Do it, Baby." Tim growls as he watches the pre-cum drip from his fiance's member onto his stomach.

"AGGGHHHH!!" Chris screams as he leans back some, bending Tim's prick in a painful but pleasurable way.

Tim screams out, digging his fingers into Chris's hips as they both reach their peak at the same time.

Chris's cum shoots out in squirts all over Tim's stomach as Chris feels Tim releases inside of him.

Chris slowly lifts himself allowing Tim's prick to slide out. He moans at the feeling of emptiness. 

"Owww." Chris chuckles as he rubs his legs. "Leg cramp."

"Sorry." Tim says trying to catch his breath. "Wish I could help more."

"You do just fine, Sweetie." Chris says as he softly kisses his lover. He reaches over to the nightstand for some wipes and cleans Tim's stomach of the white creamy substance.

"Wonder who we woke up this time." Tim chuckles as Chris lays down beside him.

"We weren't that loud, were we?" Chris asks.

"Uh, yeah." Tim smirks, pulling himself over to lay his head on Chris's shoulder.

"Oh, well." Chris laughs. "It felt too good to be quiet."

When Tim didn't answer, Chris looks down at him, smiling as he sees Tim had already dozed off to sleep.

He stares at the ceiling trying to plan their wedding. He wanted it to be a surprise. Suddenly, an idea pops into his head.

Easily, he slips out from under an exhausted Tim and gets out of bed. Wincing from the pain. He walks quietly over to the computer desk in the corner of the room and begins his research. Forty-five minutes later, he grins as he turns off the computer.

Chris makes his way back over to the bed and lays down facing his sleeping partner. He smiles as he gently brushes Tim's hair back out of his face.

"Tomorrow." He whispers as he looks at his lover's relaxed face. "I'm going to get our rings and this weekend, Sweetheart, Love of my life, you will become Timothy Rupp."

He kisses Tim's forehead softly and smiles as he pulls his soon to be husband into his arms.



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