Chapter 18

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** DEDICATED TO: ConnieGodfrey22


Chance smiles as he hangs up the phone. But as he turns to face Rob and Austin, he fakes his best sad face.

"Change of plans." He says with a sad sigh.

"Nooooo." Austin whines as he plops down on the couch. "Do you have to go to work?"

"No." Chance begins to smile. "I just thought maybe y'all would want to go to the amusement park instead"

Rob's chin drops as he looks at Austin.

"Whaaaat? Are you being serious?" Austin asks, his eyes growing wide with excitement.

"Totally serious. That was Chris." Chance says with a smile. "They just got to the park and they want us to come join them."

CAN WE! PLEASE! CAN WE GO!!" Austin screams with excitement, bouncing up and down in his seat.

"I'm cool with it." Rob smiles.

"Well, then. It's settled." Chance says. "But Austin, I just want you to know, this was all Tim and Adam's idea."

"Tim and Adam? Really?" Austin asks as a wave of guilt comes across him. "But why would they want me to come? I've been so mean to them.?

"I know it's hard to believe sometimes. But they do care about you, very much." Chance answers. "Oh, but they did have one request."

"What's that?" Austin asks, still in shock that they wanted him to come.

"That Mr. Biggles stays home." Chance states with raised brows.

"No problem." Austin says a smile comes across his boy-like face.

"Well then, let's get on the road." Rob laughs.


The two couples move to a small outside cafe, getting them something cool to drink while they waited on the others.

"Babe, do you need to use the restroom before they get here?" Chris asks quietly, brushing back Tim's hair.

"No, I'm good. But I am kinda getting warm." Tim says, giving Chris an apologetic look.

"I figured you would." Chris chuckles. "You wanna take your jacket off?"

Tim gives an embarrassed look around at all the people walking by.

"Don't worry about them. We're here to have fun and you can't do that suffocating from the heat." Chris says.

Tim finally nods and begins to remove his jacket.

"Now, don't that feel better." Chris says as he takes the jacket.

"Yea, actually a lot better." Tim says with a smile.

"I'm going to go put this in the van." Chris says standing up.

"Can you grab my sanitizing wipes while you're out there?" Tim asks.

"They're in the side pocket of your chair. I figured you'd need them." Chris smiles, kisses Tim on the forehead before walking toward the exit.

"What's taking them so long?" Adam whines, laying his head over on Avi's shoulder.

"Sweetie, it takes time to drive here." Avi chuckles as he kisses Adam on top of the head.

"How are you doing, Adam?" Tim asks.

"I'm good." Adam answer's with a smile, knowing what Tim was referring too. "I guess because everyone is happy and here to have fun."

"Hey, guys? Look who I found." Chris calls out walking back toward the cafe with Chance, Austin and Rob.

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