Chapter 52 (FINAL CHAPTER)

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"HEY GUYS! WE'RE HOME!!" Tim yells as he rolls his chair into the entrance hall.

"TIM!!!" Adam and Austin scream out as they run from their rooms upstairs.

"Uh, I'm back too." Chris chuckles as he sits down their suitcases.

"Welcome home, you two." Chance says as he comes out of the kitchen where he and Avi had been fixing lunch. Just as Tim is attacked by Adam and Austin.

They were hugging him and all talking at one time.

"You think they missed him?" Chris asks with a smile.

"Yep, I would think so. Maybe just a little." Chance laughs.

"We want to hear all about it." Austin says as he sits down in Tim's lap.

"Well, we f*cked." Tim laughs. "A lot."

"We kinda figured that." Adam laughs. "What was the hotel like?" 

"It was unbelievable. We actually felt rich." Tim smiles. "The hot tub, champagne. God, it was so romantic. It was hard trying not to act like hillbillies. It was definitely a 'Wow Factor'."

"I glad you both had a great time." Chance says as he hugs his cousin.

"Oh, we did." Chris says, kissing Tim on top of the head. "They have a huge gym. I even worked out a little." 

"Did you hit the gym too?" Chance smiles down at his cousin.

"Pfffff, I watched." Tim smiles. "But watching Chris sweat and grunt was very arousing."

"You're nuts, Timothy." Chance laughs, shaking his head.

"Where's Rob?" Chris asks quickly, changing the subject.

"He went to pick up Kelsey. We didn't expect you guys back until this evening." Avi answers.

"Well, SOMEBODY was getting a little homesick." Chris says as he looks down at Tim.

"Rob has been acting really weird." Adam says.

"Rob always acts weird." Tim chuckles.

"I mean, weirder than usual." Adam smiles.

"Really? Like how?" Chris asks as they make their way to the living room.

"He's just been extremely quiet and kinda spaced out." Chance says.

"And whenever we ask him if everything is okay, he'll just answer with an 'I hope so'. So we don't know anything." Avi adds.

"You think him and Kelsey are having problems?" Chris asks.

Being answered with only shrugs from the others.

"I hope not. Rob seems so happy since they've started dating. And she's really cool." Tim says. "She doesn't judge our weirdness."

The opening of the front door catches everyone's attention.

"Hey, guys." Rob smiles as he walks in holding Kelsey's hand. "Yall weren't suppose to be back until later. We could have been back sooner."

"Did you have fun?" Kelsey asks as she hugs Chris and then Tim. "I wanna hear all about it."

"We had a blast but I don't think you wanna hear the details. We spent a LOT of time in bed." Tim smiles.

"Oh, in that case, I think I'll pass." Kelsey laughs.

"But it was beautiful just like you said." Chris says.

"So, uh, anything exciting happened while we were gone?" Tim asks with a raised brow.

"Why don't I fix us some drinks." Rob says as he quickly leaves the room. "Kelsey? Wanna help?" She nods and follows him.

"See what we mean?" Austin whispers. "Was that not weird?"

"Well, let's not panic just yet." Chris says quietly.

"Maybe they're getting married." Tim comments in a whisper.

"Honey, they've only been dating a couple of weeks." Chris says, rubbing Tim on the back of the head.

"Hope everyone wanted tea." Rob says as he and Kelsey bring in a tray of iced tea.

"What everyone wants is to know what's going on with you two." Tim asks, being the most plain spoken of the group.

"What makes you think that anything is going on, Timmy?" Rob asks as he passes out the tea.

"Probably because that was really f*cking strange what yall just did." Tim says as he takes his tea. "Yall ran out of here like we had a plague or something."

"You have been acting a little weird lately." Austin adds.

"Well, maybe there is something going on." Rob says with a sigh as he and Kelsey sit down.

"Alright, so let's hear it." Chris says. "We're all family here, Rob, you know that you can talk to us."

"Is everything alright between you guys?" Chance asks.

"Yeah, everything is perfect." Kelsey smiles as she takes Rob's hand.

"Okay, I don't know about the others but I'm totally confused." Avi chuckles.

"Maybe we do have some explaining to do." Rob says.

The others nod as they wait patiently.

"I'm pregnant." Kelsey announces.

The room falls silent as jaws drop.

"Wow. That was a short explanation." Tim says.


And there you have it. The conclusion of Strange and Unseen.

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