Chapter 37

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!!!! WARNING: SMUT !!!!


Adam had the room decorated beautifully. Candles were everywhere. Now that he had the room ready, he had to get himself ready. So he heads for the shower.

Tim comes out of the kitchen just in time to see Avi heading up the stairs. He panics cause he knows that Adam is in Avi's bedroom getting things ready.

"STOP! I mean, where you going?" Tim asks as he rolls up to the foot of the stairs.

"I need a shower." Avi chuckles.

"No, you can't." Tim says shaking his head.

"Is something wrong with the shower?" Chris asks from behind Tim.

"Uh, No. Not that I know of." Tim answers.

"Then why can't I go take a shower?" Avi says with a smile.

"Because you just can't." Tim says, nervously rubbing his legs. "You have to use the shower down here."

"Ok, Beautiful. What's going on?" Chris asks, wrapping his arms around Tim's neck from behind. "Why are you not wanting Avi to go to his room?"

"Because." Tim sighs and hangs his head. "Adam is planning a surprise for you, Avi. And you'll spoil it if you go up there."

"Surprise? What kind of surprise?" Avi asks with a smile as he comes back down the stairs.

"I can't tell you that. But he's worked really hard on it." Tim says.

"Okay, I will take a shower down here." Avi says as he heads to the first floor bathroom.

Tim smiles as he watches Avi go inside the bathroom. But his smile falters as he looks around to see his boyfriend squatting next to his chair, staring at him.

"What?" Tim asks.

"So? What's going on?" Chris asks.

"I can't tell you. You might get mad." Tim says, suddenly finding his hands interesting.

"Baby, I won't get mad. I love you and Adam more than anything in the world." Chris says as he brushes back Tim's hair.

"Adam plans on having sex with Avi tonight for the first time." Tim says quietly.

"Really?" Chris asks, confusion on his face. "For the first time?"

"Yeah, please don't interfere." Tim says taking his lover by the hand.

"Actually, Sweetie, I figured they were already 'doing it'." Chris chuckles.

"No, Adam is really excited about it. He's sitting candles around the room." Tim smiles.

"Oh, the old candle trick." Chris laughs. "Get's me excited every time."

"I know." Tim smirks.

Tim's phone sounds with a text from Adam.

Adam: 'Ready!'

Timmy: 'It's about time. Having a hard time keeping Avi from coming upstairs. He's taking a shower down here.'

Adam: 'LOL, Sorry.'

Avi comes out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around him.

"Sorry, I don't have any clothes down here." He chuckles as his cheeks redden.

"No problem." Tim smiles. "Uh, Adam said that you can come up now. He's ready."

"Good, cause I would feel pretty uncomfortable sitting down here with just a towel wrapped around me." Avi laughs as he heads upstairs.

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