Chapter 22

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"This is ridiculous." Chance says taking Austin by the hand and leading him toward Avi's room.

Just as he raises his hand to knock on the door, the door opens with Avi and Adam on the other side.

"Listen, I know you two are realizing that you like each other and all, but can y'all quieten down a little?" Chance asks.

"What are you talking about? That wasn't us." Avi says.

"That was definitely Tim." Adam adds.

"No, it sounded like Avi." Austin says.

"Well, it wasn't me." Avi says as he takes Adam by the hand and heads toward the stairs.

"This is deja vu." Austin says shaking his head as he and Chance follow the other couple.

Chris was sitting Tim back in his chair when the two couples walk into the room.

"Tim, do you have to moan so loud when you and Chris are making out?" Adam says, crossing his arms over his chest.

"That wasn't me, it was Chance playing around." Tim says, getting comfortable in his chair.

"No it wasn't." Chance replies.

"It wasn't Chance. He was with me." Austin says. "We were.... talking when we heard what we thought was Avi moaning."

"It definitely sounded like Tim." Avi says.

"I have pizzaaaa!" Rob sang coming into the room.

Everyone turns their heads and look at Rob.

His smile drops. "What'd I do?"

"We heard that moaning again." Chris says. "And everyone that it sounded like is denying it."

"Who did it sound like?" Rob asks still holding the pizzas.

"Chance." Tim answers.

"Avi." Chance and Austin says in unison.

"Tim." Adam says.

"Okay? Who wants pizza?" Rob asks as he heads to the kitchen.

The others follow him quietly.

"Have you ever looked up the history on this house, Chris?" Avi asks as he hands Adam a slice of pizza.

"No, I just grabbed it cause it was big enough for us all and cheap." Chris answers.

"You ever wondered why it was so cheap?" Avi asks.

"I just thought it was because it was so old." Chris says, taking a sip of his tea.

"Shhh." Tim whispers suddenly, holding up his hand to quieten everyone.

"What, Tim." Austin whispers.

"I thought I heard ...Listen." Tim whispers.

They all could clearly hear footsteps walking upstairs. The sound of heavy boots.

"That's footsteps." Adam whispers. "But we're all down here."

They all jump at the sound of a door closing upstairs.

"What the hell." Chris says jumping up from the table and heads toward the stairs.

Everyone jumps up and follows him.

"Chris, No." Tim says. "Don't go up there."

But it was too late, Chris was already halfway up the steps.

Tim quickly looks around and realizes he is by himself.

"Guys? Don't leave me." He calls out with a shaky voice.

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